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[英]How to build iphone apps using .Net on windows?


Mono are working on porting their .Net runtime to the iPhone, which will be available for testing next month. Mono正在努力将他们的.Net运行时移植到iPhone上,iPhone将在下个月进行测试。

Unity is a game development platform for the iPhone that uses C# and .Net. Unity是一款使用C#和.Net的iPhone游戏开发平台。

Not only can you not use .Net on an iPhone, you also need an Intel Mac to do development. 您不仅不能在iPhone上使用.Net,还需要使用Intel Mac进行开发。 Apple is keeping it a very closed environment, and because they control everything from the hardware to the OS to the distribution channels, you really don't have any other choice than to play by their rules. Apple正在保持一个非常封闭的环境,并且因为它们控制从硬件到操作系统到分销渠道的所有内容,所以除了遵守规则之外别无其他选择。

You can't, especially if you want to publish to iTunes. 你不能,特别是如果你想发布到iTunes。 The iPhone only runs Objective-C. iPhone只运行Objective-C。


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