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找不到 dmtx 共享库

[英]Unable to find dmtx shared library

I installed pylibdmtx.我安装了pylibdmtx。 When I try to import this I get an error:当我尝试导入此内容时,出现错误:

from pylibdmtx import pylibdmtx

ImportError: Unable to find dmtx shared library

I am using python 3.8.8 on mac.我在 Mac 上使用 python 3.8.8。

try re-installing both, via pip and using apt-get , if this not works, the error is probably that Python wrapper can`t load libdmtx .尝试通过pip并使用apt-get重新安装两者,如果这不起作用,则错误可能是Python包装器无法加载libdmtx

pip3 install pylibdmtx
sudo apt-get install libdmtx0a

I installed it this way:我是这样安装的:

brew install libdmtx

problem solved!问题解决了!

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