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Svelte 应用程序的性能测试

[英]Performance testing for Svelte applications

How can I do client side performance testing for Svelte applications?如何对 Svelte 应用程序进行客户端性能测试?

Is there any similar kind in JMeter / WebLoad like true client protocol as in Load runner to test the Svelte applications? JMeter / WebLoad 中是否有类似真正的客户端协议,如在 Load runner 中测试 Svelte 应用程序?

TruClient protocol is just a real browser (maybe headless ) so it is not a "protocol". TruClient 协议只是一个真正的浏览器(也许是无头的),所以它不是一个“协议”。

  • In order to test client-side performance you need a real browser -为了测试客户端性能,您需要一个真正的浏览器 -
  • The most popular browser automation tool is Selenium最受欢迎的浏览器自动化工具是Selenium
  • JMeter can be integrated with Selenium using WebDriver Sampler JMeter 可以使用WebDriver Sampler与 Selenium 集成
  • WebDriver Sampler can be installed using JMeter Plugins Manager WebDriver Sampler 可以使用JMeter Plugins Manager安装

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