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[英]Python: Why is this code writing "None" to the file?

def obtainResumeDescriptions(self):
    resumeCount = int(input("How many different versions of your resume do you use? "))

    resumeTrackingLog = open("resumeTrackingLog.txt", "w")

    print("Please enter a brief description of each resume.")

    for count in range(resumeCount):
        resumeNumber = str(print("Resume #", count + 1, ": ", sep=""))
        resumeDescription = str(input())
        resumeTrackingLog.write(resumeNumber + '\n')
        resumeTrackingLog.write(resumeDescription + '\n')

After executing and providing inputs, this is writing the following to the text file:执行并提供输入后,将以下内容写入文本文件:

"None Project Manager None Product Manager None Senior Manager" “无项目经理无产品经理无高级经理”

What I'm looking for is:我正在寻找的是:

"Resume #1: Project Manager Resume #2: Product Manager Resume #3: Senior Manager" “简历#1:项目经理简历#2:产品经理简历#3:高级经理”

The print function sends output to the console, but it does not return anything. print function 将 output 发送到控制台,但它不返回任何内容。 In Python a function that doesn't explicitly return anything implicitly returns None .在 Python 中,没有显式返回任何内容的 function 隐式返回None

You could easily replace it with an f-string:您可以轻松地将其替换为 f 字符串:

resumeNumber = f'Resume #{count + 1}: '

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