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可学习的 LeakyReLU 激活 function 和 Pytorch

[英]Learnable LeakyReLU activation function with Pytorch

I'm trying to write a class for Invertible trainable LeakyReLu in which the model modifies the negative_slope in each iteration,我正在尝试为可逆可训练 LeakyReLu 编写 class ,其中 model 在每次迭代中修改negative_slope,

class InvertibleLeakyReLU(nn.Module):
  def __init__(self, negative_slope):
    super(InvertibleLeakyReLU, self).__init__()
    self.negative_slope = torch.tensor(negative_slope, requires_grad=True)
  def forward(self, input, logdet = 0, reverse = False):
    if reverse == True:
      input = torch.where(input>=0.0, input, input *(1/self.negative_slope))

      log = - torch.where(input >= 0.0, torch.zeros_like(input), torch.ones_like(input) * math.log(self.negative_slope))
      logdet = (sum(log, dim=[1, 2, 3]) +logdet).mean()
      return input, logdet
      input = torch.where(input>=0.0, input, input *(self.negative_slope))

      log = torch.where(input >= 0.0, torch.zeros_like(input), torch.ones_like(input) * math.log(self.negative_slope)) 
      logdet = (sum(log, dim=[1, 2, 3]) +logdet).mean()
      return input, logdet 

However I set requires_grad=True , the negative slope wouldn't update.但是我设置requires_grad=True ,负斜率不会更新。 Are there any other points that I must modify?还有其他需要修改的地方吗?

Does your optimizer know it should update InvertibleLeakyReLU.negative_slope ?您的优化器是否知道它应该更新InvertibleLeakyReLU.negative_slope
My guess is - no:我的猜测是 - 不:
self.negative_slope is not defined as nn.Parameter , and therefore, by default, when you initialize your optimizer with model.parameters() negative_slope is not one of the optimization parameters. self.negative_slope未定义为nn.Parameter ,因此,默认情况下,当您使用model.parameters()初始化优化器时, negative_slope不是优化参数之一。

You can either define negative_slope as a nn.Parameter :您可以将negative_slope定义为nn.Parameter

self.negative_slope = nn.Parameter(data=torch.tensor(negative_slope), requires_grad=True)

Or, explicitly pass negative_slope from all InvertibleLeakyReLU in your model to the optimizer.或者,将 model 中所有InvertibleLeakyReLU中的negative_slope显式传递给优化器。

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