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如何在 Jelastic jelastic/nginxphp 之上构建一个 docker 图像?

[英]How to build a docker image on top of Jelastic jelastic/nginxphp?

For local development I try to build a docker image on top of jelastic/nginxphp as suggested in https://docs.jelastic.com/building-custom-container/ .对于本地开发,我尝试按照https://docs.jelastic.com/building-custom-container/ 中的建议在 jelastic /nginxphp 之上构建一个 docker 图像。 Unfortunately I can not see any server (php-fpm or nginx) once I start the image.不幸的是,启动图像后我看不到任何服务器(php-fpm 或 nginx)。

docker run -p 8080:80 jelastic/nginxphp:1.14.2-php-7.2.9
➜  ~ curl
curl: (52) Empty reply from server

I can see that systemd gets started, but I do not see php-fpm or nginx.我可以看到 systemd 启动了,但我没有看到 php-fpm 或 nginx。

➜  ~ docker exec 55a454cf01ad ps aux
root         1  0.0  0.0 191276 10172 ?        Ssl  07:58   0:00 /usr/bin/qemu-x86_64 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd
root         9  0.0  0.0 200788 10408 ?        Rl+  Nov25   0:00 /usr/bin/ps aux

I wonder how to build my app on top of this image.我想知道如何在此图像之上构建我的应用程序。 Is there any documentation or is there an example for jelastic/nginxphp ?是否有任何文档或是否有jelastic/nginxphp的示例?

Generally, the jelastic/nginxphp docker image is built in a quite different way from, for example, the Nginx repo from the Docker library - that's because it was designed to be launched on Virtuozzo DevOps platform and have the support of all the functionality and automatizations provided there.通常,jelastic/nginxphp docker 映像的构建方式与 Docker 库中的 Nginx 回购完全不同——这是因为它被设计为在 Virtuozzo DevOps 平台上启动,并支持所有功能和自动化在那里提供。

If you run 'docker inspect jelastic/nginxphp:1.14.2-php-7.2.9' , you can see如果你运行'docker inspect jelastic/nginxphp:1.14.2-php-7.2.9' ,你可以看到

    "Cmd": [

To run the image locally, you need to override the CMD during launch要在本地运行图像,您需要在启动期间覆盖 CMD

docker run -p 8080:80 jelastic/nginxphp:1.14.2-php-7.2.9 /usr/sbin/nginx '-g daemon off;'

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