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错误<trans />带有 react-i18next 的组件:渲染没有返回任何内容

[英]Error in <Trans /> component with react-i18next: Nothing returned from render

When I try to interpolate some React components with the react-i18next Trans component I get the following error:当我尝试使用react-i18next Trans组件插入一些 React 组件时,我收到以下错误:

Uncaught Error: Trans(...): Nothing was returned from render. This usually means a return statement is missing. Or, to render nothing, return null.

I am calling the Trans component like so:我这样调用Trans组件:

                  t={l as TFunction}
                  defaults="hello <chip>{{cohortName}}</chip> <bold>{{jobName}}</bold>"
                    chip: (
                    bold: <strong />,

I cannot see why this is a problem as according to the docs this should be ok.我不明白为什么这是一个问题,因为根据文档这应该没问题。

I do not think the issue is with react-i18next Trans component but am not sure.我不认为问题出在react-i18next Trans 组件上,但我不确定。 Any ideas?有任何想法吗?

I have tried an alternative version where I use a template as the return value from the Trans component:我尝试了一个替代版本,其中我使用模板作为Trans组件的返回值:

                  defaults="hello <1>{{cohortName}}</1> <2>{{jobName}}</2>"
                  Hello <Chip>{{ cohortName }}</Chip>{" "}
                  <strong>{{ jobName }}</strong>

This throws:这抛出:

Error: Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {cohortName}). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead.

Which lead me to tray using an alternate prefix and sufix like so:这导致我使用备用前缀和后缀进入托盘,如下所示:

                  defaults="hello <1>%%cohortName%%</1> <2>%%jobName%%</2>"
                    interpolation: {
                      prefix: "%%",
                      sufix: "%%",
                  Hello <Chip>%%cohortName%%</Chip>{" "}

No errors thrown but the values cohortName & jobName are rendered as plain text and not the value from the component that <Trans /> is a child of.没有抛出错误,但值cohortNamejobName名称呈现为纯文本,而不是<Trans />子组件的值。

Objects are not valid react children:对象无效反应子级:

                  Hello <Chip>{{ cohortName }}</Chip>{" "}
                  <strong>{{ jobName }}</strong>

Remember { } inside JSX is an escape into javascript.记住 JSX 中的 { } 是进入 javascript 的逃逸。 So {{ cohortName }} is just evaluating { cohortName } which is shorthand for {'cohortName': cohortName } which is an object.所以{{ cohortName }}只是评估{ cohortName } ,它是{'cohortName': cohortName }的简写,它是一个object。

And objects are not valid react children.并且对象是无效的反应孩子。 You probably just want to render the string cohortName here {cohortName}您可能只想在此处呈现字符串队列名称{cohortName}

As for the "Nothing returned from render" error we'd have to see the Trans components source code to help there.至于“没有从渲染返回”错误,我们必须查看 Trans 组件源代码来帮助那里。

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