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如何在 android studio 上以编程方式检查自动启动权限是启用还是禁用

[英]how to check Programmatically AutoStart Permission is Enable or disable on android studio

enter image description here Hello Please can you tell me在此处输入图片描述您好,您能告诉我吗
how to check Programmatically AutoStart Permission is Enable or disable on android studio search more times but result are zero please share your experience for in this topic.如何在 android 工作室搜索更多次但结果为零,请在本主题中分享您的经验。

There's no way to find out whether the Auto-start option is enabled or not无法确定是否启用了自动启动选项

Source: How to programmatically enable auto start and floating window permissions来源: 如何以编程方式启用自动启动和浮动 window 权限

For now it's not possible.目前是不可能的。

As it's completely depend on their operating system API's and customisation.因为它完全取决于他们的操作系统 API 和定制。 Even developers have requested for this on XIOMI's official forums but there is no response from there side.甚至开发者在小米官方论坛上也提出了这个要求,但那里没有任何回应。

Till now even i am finding an answer to this question but nothing helped me.直到现在,即使我找到了这个问题的答案,但没有任何帮助。

Source: How to check MIUI autostart permission programmatically?资料来源: 如何以编程方式检查 MIUI 自动启动权限?

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