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R 列出项目组合以及这些项目的数量

[英]R List combinations of items with count of these

I am trying to see how many records I have for combinations of Products.我想看看我有多少条产品组合的记录。 Some Accounts have a couple of different products, some have 3 or 4. I've done a group by, which gives the number of Products attached to each Account:有些帐户有几个不同的产品,有些有 3 或 4 个。我做了一个分组,它给出了每个帐户附加的产品数量:

test <- data %>%
  unique() %>%
  group_by(ACCOUNT) %>% summarise(number = n())

What I am trying to do next is group the Product permutations so I have a count for each of a+b, b+c, a+b+c, a+b+m, m+n etc. I don't expect all the possible permutations to exist, but I don't know what the biggest number of products combined is - that's one of the things I'm trying to work out.我接下来要做的是对产品排列进行分组,所以我对 a+b、b+c、a+b+c、a+b+m、m+n 等每个都有一个计数。我不希望存在所有可能的排列,但我不知道组合的最大产品数量是什么——这是我正在努力解决的问题之一。 (although it's probably about 5 or 6) (虽然可能大约是 5 或 6 个)

Edited to add sample data
| Account | Product |
| -------- | -------------- |
| 1    | a           |
| 1  | b            |
|1  |c  |
|2  |a  |
|2   |c  |
|3  |a  |
|3  |c  |
|4  |a  |
|4  |b|

Desired Results - each unique combination to be counted separately.期望的结果 - 每个独特的组合单独计算。

| Product combo | Count |
| -------- | -------------- |
| ab  | 1           |
| ac  | 2            |
|abc |1  |

I use a ;我用一个; separator because it seems nicer, but here is a dplyr version:分隔符,因为它看起来更好,但这里是dplyr版本:

df %>%
  group_by(Account) %>%
  summarize(combo = paste(sort(Product), collapse = ";"), .groups = "drop") %>%
# # A tibble: 3 × 2
#   combo Count
#   <chr> <int>
# 1 a;b       1
# 2 a;b;c     1
# 3 a;c       2

Using this data:使用这些数据:

df = read.table(text = ' Account  Product 
 1     a           
 1   b            
1  c  
2  a  
2   c  
3  a  
3  c  
4  a  
4  b', header = T)

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