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GPS 飞行器信号弱-使用模拟器和FollowMeMissionOperator

[英]GPS Signal of the aircraft is weak-Using simulator and FollowMeMissionOperator

(Mobile SDK) I get 'Error- the GPS Signal of the aircraft is weak(216)' when I try to start a FollowMe mission while using the simulator ie on the line FollowMeMissionOp.startMission(followMeInitSettings, new CommonCallbacks.CompletionCallback()... where FollowMeMissionOp = DJISDKManager.getInstance().getMissionControl().getFollowMeMissionOperator(); (移动 SDK)当我在使用模拟器时尝试启动 FollowMe 任务时,即在 FollowMeMissionOp.startMission(followMeInitSettings, new CommonCallbacks.CompletionCallback() 线上时,我收到“错误 - 飞机的 GPS 信号弱(216)”。 .. where FollowMeMissionOp = DJISDKManager.getInstance().getMissionControl().getFollowMeMissionOperator();

I'm using the code at Custom Follow Me Mission DJI Android SDK as my template, but the bulk of the code is irrelevant here as the error is thrown at the start.我使用Custom Follow Me Mission DJI Android SDK中的代码作为我的模板,但是大部分代码在这里无关紧要,因为错误是在开始时抛出的。

I'm starting the simulator within the program... mFlightController.getSimulator().start(InitializationData.createInstance(CenterScreen, 10, 10), new StartSimulatorCallback());我正在程序中启动模拟器... mFlightController.getSimulator().start(InitializationData.createInstance(CenterScreen, 10, 10), new StartSimulatorCallback());

The simulator is working well for other types of missions- Waypoint, Timeline- with various actions, and indeed simple joystick control- there's quite a few things in the program at this stage that have tested it.该模拟器适用于其他类型的任务——航点、时间线——具有各种动作,而且确实是简单的操纵杆控制——现阶段程序中有很多东西已经对其进行了测试。

I cannot see anything different about using it for the FollowMeMissionOperator, so I'm inclined to think its a bug.我看不出将它用于 FollowMeMissionOperator 有什么不同,所以我倾向于认为它是一个错误。

Can anyone throw any light on the issue?任何人都可以阐明这个问题吗?

(As a further footnote, it all works fine if I use the simulator in DJI Assistant instead of starting it with an SDK command) (作为进一步的脚注,如果我在 DJI Assistant 中使用模拟器而不是使用 SDK 命令启动它,那么一切正常)

Why do you run the sim with only 10sats?为什么你只用 10sats 运行模拟? The followmemission wont start with that few number of sats.后续任务不会从那几个sat开始。

Btw, the builtin followme function sucks, at least on the mavics, you better of running your own with virtualsticks.顺便说一句,内置的 followme function 很烂,至少在 mavics 上,你最好用 virtualsticks 运行你自己的。

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