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有没有办法重新定义 python 中的内置 class ?

[英]Is there a way to redefine a built-in class in python?

Is there a way that you can redefine built-in classes in python (eg int).有没有办法可以重新定义 python 中的内置类(例如 int)。 When I just do class int then the type is __main__.int not int , is there any way to define it without the __main__ ?当我只是做class int那么类型是__main__.int而不是int ,有没有办法在没有__main__的情况下定义它?

i don't think thats possible without editing python source written in c but you can inherit from the built in classes like int then add your methods like:我认为如果不编辑用 c 编写的 python 源代码,这是不可能的,但是您可以从int等内置类继承,然后添加您的方法,例如:

class MyList(list):
    def sumOfAll(self):
        return sum(self)
myList = MyList([1,2,3])

Output: 6 Output: 6

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