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[英]iOS: Unable to see the option of App Icon in the Product Page Optimization page in the app store connect

As the Product Page Optimization option is now available in the App Store Connect, I thought to try it out.由于产品页面优化选项现在可以在 App Store Connect 中使用,我想尝试一下。

So I have created a test to try different App Icons.所以我创建了一个测试来尝试不同的应用程序图标。 I have followed these steps to create a test and treatments for product page optimization, https://help.apple.com/app-store-connect/#/dev811bef199我已按照以下步骤为产品页面优化创建测试和处理, https://help.apple.com/app-store-connect/#/dev811bef199

But there I am unable to see the option to change the App Icon for different treatments.但是在那里我看不到为不同的治疗更改应用程序图标的选项。 There I can only see the screenshots, as you can see in the attached SS.在那里我只能看到屏幕截图,正如您在附加的 SS 中看到的那样。 在此处输入图像描述

Please let me know how can I get the option to change the App Icon for different treatments for Product Page Optimization.请让我知道如何获得更改应用程序图标以进行产品页面优化的不同处理的选项。

Your app binary must contain alternative icons, before you can use them in the Product Page Optimization page.您的应用程序二进制文件必须包含替代图标,然后您才能在产品页面优化页面中使用它们。

The simplest way to add alternative icons to your app is to add them in the Assets file of your app together with the Include All App Icon Assets build setting.向应用添加替代图标的最简单方法是将它们与Include All App Icon Assets构建设置一起添加到应用的资产文件中。 It's important that each icon also include a large 1024pt file.每个图标还包含一个 1024pt 的大文件,这一点很重要。

More tips how to add icons to your app can be found here: https://medium.com/@gianpispi/how-to-use-xcassets-for-alternative-icons-20849f836e2f可以在此处找到如何向应用程序添加图标的更多提示: https://medium.com/@gianpispi/how-to-use-xcassets-for-alternative-icons-20849f836e2f

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