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如何使用 numpy 在 python 的二维数组中按其索引对数组进行切片

[英]How to slice array by its index in 2D array in python using numpy

I have written the following code:我写了以下代码:

import numpy as np
n_rows = int(input("Enter number of rows:"))
n_columns = int(input("Enter number of columns:"))
print("Enter 2D array values---")
matrix = []
for i in range(n_rows):
    for j in range(n_columns):

if i input the following values this will give the following output:如果我输入以下值,这将给出以下 output:

array([[1, 2, 3],
       [4, 5, 6]])

but i want first row of matrix to enter as string values like:但我希望矩阵的第一行作为字符串值输入,例如:


and 2nd row of matrix as integer values like:和矩阵的第二行作为 integer 值,如:


and then i want to get the following output:然后我想得到以下output:

Name: John , Marks: 50
Name: Alex , Marks: 60
Name: Smith, Marks: 70

Numpy requires that all values in a matrix are of the same type. Numpy 要求矩阵中的所有值都属于同一类型。 This is due to how it searches for items in an array (for more information look for strides )这是由于它如何搜索数组中的项目(有关更多信息,请查找strides

Therefore, if You want text data in Your array, You must change the type of an entire array to a type which supports strings.因此,如果您想要数组中的文本数据,您必须将整个数组的类型更改为支持字符串的类型。

An alternative would be to have an array for names and a separate ones for values.另一种方法是为名称设置一个数组,为值设置一个单独的数组。 Also, You could use pandas.DataFrame as it a direct solution to Your problem此外,您可以使用pandas.DataFrame直接解决您的问题

A list of lists:列表列表:

In [274]: alist = [["John","Alex","Smith"],[50,60,70]]
In [275]: alist
Out[275]: [['John', 'Alex', 'Smith'], [50, 60, 70]]

Simply calling np.array makes an array that contains the strings, the minimal common dtype:只需调用np.array创建一个包含字符串的数组,这是最小的常见 dtype:

In [276]: np.array(alist)
array([['John', 'Alex', 'Smith'],
       ['50', '60', '70']], dtype='<U21')

We can also specify object , but such an array is virtually the same as the original list:我们也可以指定object ,但这样的数组实际上与原始列表相同:

In [277]: np.array(alist, dtype=object)
array([['John', 'Alex', 'Smith'],
       [50, 60, 70]], dtype=object)

A "transpose" of that list:该列表的“转置”:

In [278]: altlist = list(zip(*alist))
In [279]: altlist
Out[279]: [('John', 50), ('Alex', 60), ('Smith', 70)]

that can be used to make a structured array with a compound dtype:可用于制作具有复合 dtype 的structured array

In [280]: np.array(altlist, dtype='U10,int')
array([('John', 50), ('Alex', 60), ('Smith', 70)],
      dtype=[('f0', '<U10'), ('f1', '<i8')])

or a dataframe:或 dataframe:

In [281]: pd.DataFrame(altlist)
       0   1
0   John  50
1   Alex  60
2  Smith  70

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