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有没有办法使用 windows Python 打印任何文件夹中的所有内容?

[英]Is there a way to print all contents within any folder using windows Python?

I am a beginner trying to learn to code.我是一个尝试学习编码的初学者。 So far, I am just trying to print a file first, before printing everything within a folder.到目前为止,我只是想先打印一个文件,然后再打印文件夹中的所有内容。 I know how to import the file just to look at it.我知道如何导入文件只是为了查看它。
To be more specific I am trying to print the file to my printer which is connected through Wi-Fi.更具体地说,我正在尝试将文件打印到通过 Wi-Fi 连接的打印机。

What I am asking:我在问什么:

1.What code is needed to print (hard copy to printer) 1 file? 1.打印(硬拷贝到打印机)1个文件需要什么代码?

2.What code is needed to print all files within a folder (hard copies to printer)? 2.打印文件夹中的所有文件需要什么代码(硬拷贝到打印机)?

Please Assist, I would greatly appreciate it!请协助,我将不胜感激!

  1. Have you tried this solution ?你试过这个解决方案吗? It aperas to be as easy as它很容易
import os

os.startfile("C:/Users/TestFile.txt", "print")

Since I'm not on a Windows system, i can't test it, but the internet seems to agree.由于我不在 Windows 系统上,我无法对其进行测试,但互联网似乎同意。

  1. Once you know how to print one, printing many should not be any harder than iterating over the contents of the directory and filtering for files.一旦你知道如何打印一个,打印多个应该不会比遍历目录内容和过滤文件更难。 For example, since you already have os imported:例如,由于您已经导入了os
for file in os.listdir(base_dir):
  file_name = os.path.join(base_dir, file)
  if os.path.isfile(file):
    os.startfile(file, "print")

You can also try learning Pathlib , but for such as simple use case, the advantages of it over os are not that big.你也可以尝试学习Pathlib ,但是对于简单的用例来说,它相对于os的优势并没有那么大。

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