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Pathlib - 打印文件夹的内容

[英]Pathlib - print contents of a folder

Here is my example.这是我的例子。


I have a folder that contains another 3 folders (FoldA, FoldB, and FoldC), a.txt file, and a.png file.我有一个文件夹,其中包含另外 3 个文件夹(FoldA、FoldB 和 FoldC)、a.txt 文件和 a.png 文件。

I have the following working code which works to print the contents a folder or directory.我有以下工作代码,可用于打印文件夹或目录的内容。

import pathlib

rd = pathlib.Path("E:\\Location\\MainFolder")

for td in rd.iterdir():

The output is: output 是:

E:\Location\MainFolder\FoldA E:\位置\主文件夹\FoldA

E:\Location\MainFolder\FoldB E:\位置\MainFolder\FoldB

E:\Location\MainFolder\FoldC E:\位置\主文件夹\FoldC

E:\Location\MainFolder\image.png E:\位置\主文件夹\image.png

E:\Location\MainFolder\text.txt E:\Location\MainFolder\text.txt

Does anyone know a quick way to only print the folders and not any other file type (.txt, .bmp, .png, etc.)?有谁知道只打印文件夹而不打印任何其他文件类型(.txt、.bmp、.png 等)的快速方法? I've tried using.is_dir but it still prints everything.我试过 using.is_dir 但它仍然打印所有内容。

Thanks in advance!提前致谢!

probably you did if td.is_dir with is a function, so you need to execute it like this: if td.is_dir是 function,那么您可能会这样做,所以您需要像这样执行它:

import pathlib

rd = pathlib.Path(".")

for td in rd.iterdir():
    if td.is_dir():

Kinda common problem with pathlib at beginning:)开始时 pathlib 有点常见的问题:)

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