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节点 > npm 开始 > npm ERR

[英]Node > npm start > npm ERR

I try to run this JS project on mac this JS project but when i type npm start it made me a npm error:我尝试在 mac这个 JS 项目上运行这个 JS 项目但是当我输入npm start它让我出现 npm 错误:


I browsing any website to find a solution for my problem, although this i already put on my package.json a start": webpack-dev-server --mode development --open --hot , start": "node app.js" or start": "node index.html"我浏览任何网站以找到我的问题的解决方案,尽管这我已经放在我的package.json start": webpack-dev-server --mode development --open --hot , start": "node app.js"start": "node index.html"

I type many combination like on terminal:我在终端上输入了许多组合:

npm install npm@latest

npm install --global --verbose promised-io

npm run snyk-protect

npm cache clean --force

...but still no such changes were ...但仍然没有这样的变化

It looks like you're in the root directory of that repository.看起来您位于该存储库的根目录中。 The package.json however is in frontend/ so you need to navigate there with cd frontend . package.json但是在frontend/所以你需要用cd frontend导航到那里。 Once in the correct directory npm start or npm run build should work.一旦在正确的目录npm startnpm run build应该工作。

Do make sure that you have run npm install first in that directory.请确保首先在该目录中运行npm install

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