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Node > npm start > npm ERR

I try to run this JS project on mac this JS project but when i type npm start it made me a npm error:


I browsing any website to find a solution for my problem, although this i already put on my package.json a start": webpack-dev-server --mode development --open --hot , start": "node app.js" or start": "node index.html"

I type many combination like on terminal:

npm install npm@latest

npm install --global --verbose promised-io

npm run snyk-protect

npm cache clean --force

...but still no such changes were

It looks like you're in the root directory of that repository. The package.json however is in frontend/ so you need to navigate there with cd frontend . Once in the correct directory npm start or npm run build should work.

Do make sure that you have run npm install first in that directory.

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