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[英]Mutate to create two number columns from one number column based on a character value

My data "x" looks like this:我的数据“x”如下所示:

date   type  cost
20-01  supp  5
20-02  supp  10
20-03  supp  5
20-01  svcs  2
20-02  svcs  4
20-03  svcs  8

I want to create a cost for each type in order to plot a multiple time series, which I can do by creating two separate time series, but what I'd like to do is create:我想为每种类型创建一个成本,以便 plot 多个时间序列,我可以通过创建两个单独的时间序列来做到这一点,但我想做的是创建:

bydate <- aggregate(cbind(supp, svcs)~date, data=y, FUN=sum)

With my data "y" looking like this:我的数据“y”看起来像这样:

date   type  supp  svcs
20-01  supp  5     0
20-02  supp  10    0
20-03  supp  5     0
20-01  svcs  0     2
20-02  svcs  0     4
20-03  svcs  0     8

In this way I hope to create我希望通过这种方式创造

df <- bydate %>% 
  select(date, supp, svcs) %>% 
  gather(key = "variable", value = "value", -date)

Is the mutate function the way to do this?变异 function 是这样做的吗?

We have to create index variables before pivot ing, and then pivot_wider with the valueS_fill argument set to 0 .我们必须在pivot之前创建索引变量,然后将valueS_fill参数设置为0的 pivot_wider。


df %>%
        mutate(index = row_number(),
               type2 = type) %>%
        pivot_wider(names_from = type2, values_from = cost, values_fill = 0) %>%

# A tibble: 6 × 4
  date  type   supp  svcs
  <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 20-01 supp      5     0
2 20-02 supp     10     0
3 20-03 supp      5     0
4 20-01 svcs      0     2
5 20-02 svcs      0     4
6 20-03 svcs      0     8

Here is a version using bind_cols这是使用bind_cols的版本


x %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(id = row_number()) %>% 
    names_from = type,
    values_from = cost, 
    values_fill = 0
  ) %>% 
  bind_cols(type = x$type) %>% 
  select(date, type, everything(), -id)
  date  type   supp  svcs
  <chr> <chr> <int> <int>
1 20-01 supp      5     0
2 20-02 supp     10     0
3 20-03 supp      5     0
4 20-01 svcs      0     2
5 20-02 svcs      0     4
6 20-03 svcs      0     8

For this kind of problem we do not necessarily need data rectangling.对于这类问题,我们不一定需要数据矩形。 An alternative is to use purrr::map_dfc inside dplyr::mutate together with purrr::set_names :另一种方法是在dplyr::mutate中使用purrr::map_dfcpurrr::set_names


df %>% 
              ~ ifelse(.x == type, cost, 0))
#>    date type cost supp scvs
#> 1 20-01 supp    5    5    0
#> 2 20-02 supp   10   10    0
#> 3 20-03 supp    5    5    0
#> 4 20-01 scvs    2    0    2
#> 5 20-02 scvs    4    0    4
#> 6 20-03 scvs    8    0    8

To simplify this and similar problems I have a package on Github.为了简化这个和类似的问题,我在 Github 上有一个 package。 In this case we could use over together with dist_values :在这种情况下,我们可以将overdist_values一起使用:

library(dplyover) # https://github.com/TimTeaFan/dplyover

df %>% 
              ~ ifelse(.x == type, cost, 0))

#>    date type cost scvs supp
#> 1 20-01 supp    5    0    5
#> 2 20-02 supp   10    0   10
#> 3 20-03 supp    5    0    5
#> 4 20-01 scvs    2    2    0
#> 5 20-02 scvs    4    4    0
#> 6 20-03 scvs    8    8    0

Created on 2021-12-30 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)代表 package (v0.3.0) 于 2021 年 12 月 30 日创建


df <- data.frame(
  date = rep(c("20-01", "20-02", "20-03"), 2),
  type = rep(c("supp", "scvs"), each = 3),
  cost = c(5, 10, 5, 2, 4, 8)

Created on 2021-12-30 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)代表 package (v0.3.0) 于 2021 年 12 月 30 日创建

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