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有什么反对将 Cloud Run 用于服务器端 GTM

[英]Is there anything against using Cloud Run for a server side GTM

I have been setting up several server side GTMs for my company in the last months.在过去的几个月里,我一直在为我的公司设置几个服务器端 GTM。 I have deployed both App Engine Flexible versions, as well as Cloud Run hosted ssGTMs.我已经部署了 App Engine 灵活版本以及 Cloud Run 托管的 ssGTM。

I found using Cloud Run easier to setup and also cheaper as long as you stay under 300 million requests per month.我发现使用 Cloud Run 更容易设置,而且只要每月的请求数保持在 3 亿以下,也更便宜。 Custom domain setup is also only slightly different.自定义域设置也只是略有不同。

The official documentation Basically only covers App Engine and Manual deployment. 官方文档基本上只涵盖了 App Engine 和手动部署。

I was wondering if there is any downside towards using Cloud Run for hosting your ssGTM besides potential cold starts (which I do not really care about).我想知道除了潜在的冷启动(我并不真正关心)之外,使用 Cloud Run 托管您的 ssGTM 是否有任何不利之处。

I'm not very familiar with GTM but here are few things for using Cloud Run you have to figure out first.我对 GTM 不是很熟悉,但这里有一些关于使用 Cloud Run 你必须先弄清楚的事情。

  • Is GTM completley stateless? GTM 是否完全无状态? Or does it needs State, Cloud Run doesn't offer a filesystem kind capabilities for storing files on disk或者它是否需要 State,Cloud Run 不提供用于在磁盘上存储文件的文件系统类功能
  • Is GTM already available as a container? GTM 是否已经作为容器提供?
  • You can avoid cold starts by setting the min replicas to 1 or higher so that there is at least always 1 instance available to serve traffic.您可以通过将 min replicas 设置为 1 或更高来避免冷启动,以便至少始终有 1 个实例可用于服务流量。

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