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如何确定我使用的是哪个版本的 THREDDS 数据服务器?

[英]How do I determine which version of THREDDS Data Server I am using?

We are running THREDDS Data Server under Tomcat 7.0.76 and are trying to determine which version of TDS we are running.我们正在 Tomcat 7.0.76 下运行 THREDDS 数据服务器,并试图确定我们正在运行的 TDS 版本。 We're not seeing it in catalina.out or anywhere obvious in the config and were wondering if the version could be interrogated at the command line.我们在 catalina.out 或配置中任何明显的地方都没有看到它,并且想知道是否可以在命令行中查询该版本。

While I'd love to know if there was a command to determine the THREDDS Data Server version, I was able to figure it out by doing a catalog listing from the browser.虽然我很想知道是否有一个命令可以确定 THREDDS 数据服务器版本,但我可以通过从浏览器中列出目录来确定它。 Our THREDDS Data Server version is我们的 THREDDS 数据服务器版本是


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