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Python GUI 界面和 3D Canvas - 选择哪一个?

[英]Python GUI interface and 3D Canvas - which one to choose?

I'd like to write a Python GUI interface that is somehow linked to a 3D canvas (either in the same or a separate window) and allows the user to insert (by pressing LMB) and edit spheres (eg by clicking RMB on the desired one and picking a relevant option from the side menu).我想写一个 Python GUI 界面,它以某种方式链接到 3D canvas (在同一个或单独的窗口中)并允许用户插入(通过点击 LMB 窗口)并允许用户插入(例如通过点击 LMB 窗口)一个并从侧面菜单中选择一个相关选项)。 Moreover, I would like it also to keep the position of each sphere so I can keep xyz coordinates.此外,我还希望它保留每个球体的 position 以便我可以保留 xyz 坐标。

Nonetheless, the issue is that I'm not sure which frameworks to use.尽管如此,问题是我不确定要使用哪些框架。 So far, I've been using tkinter , but I've read that it doesn't function with 3D, On the other hand, vpython appears to be rather interesting, but I haven't found any examples of it working with any of the GUI frameworks.到目前为止,我一直在使用tkinter ,但我已经读到它不是 function 和 3D,另一方面, vpython似乎与我发现的任何示例都不太有趣, GUI 框架。

What should I do?我应该怎么办? Thank you for your help.谢谢您的帮助。

i recommend 2 libraries: pyglet ( packtpub create insane 3d gui ) and QtOpenGL ( code in action mastering gui programming python course )我推荐 2 个库:pyglet( packtpub create insane 3d gui )和 QtOpenGL(代码在行动中掌握 gui 编程 python 课程


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