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Sql 在 SCD2 上使用自联接更新查询

[英]Sql Update query with self join on SCD2

I am facing an issue with SQL update query in with self join.我在使用自联接时遇到了 SQL 更新查询的问题。 I have looked into multiple pages here but didn't find the right solution.我在这里查看了多个页面,但没有找到正确的解决方案。

Suppose I have a table like below.假设我有一张如下表。

id ID country国家 city城市 timestamp时间戳
1 1
1 1 India印度 Pune浦那 222 222
1 1 India印度 Delhi德里 111 111

I want to copy country and city from the max(timestamp) row where they are not null ( group by id ).我想从max(timestamp)行复制国家和城市,它们不是 null ( group by id )。

I was trying below query which obviously needs correction.我正在尝试下面的查询,这显然需要更正。

update a1 
set a1.country = a2.country,
    a1.city = a2.city  
from selfjointable a1
inner join selfjointable a2 on (a1.id = a2.id)
where a1.country is null 
  and a2.country is not null 
  and a2.timestamp = (select max(a3.timestamp) 
                      from selfjointable a3 
                      where (a3.id = a1.id)                      
                      group by a3.id);

Please note: This is just simplified version of my issues and there are numbers of rows and column and I just want to write generic update query for all of these rows请注意:这只是我的问题的简化版本,有很多行和列,我只想为所有这些行编写通用更新查询

How about merge ? merge怎么样?

SQL> select * from test order by id, timestamp desc nulls last;

---------- ------- ------ ----------
         1 India   Pune          222  --> MAX timestamp for ID = 1; these values ...
         1 India   Delhi         111
         1                            --> ... should be copied here
         2 Croatia Zagreb        333

SQL> merge into test a
  2    using (select id, country, city, timestamp,
  3             row_number() over (partition by id order by timestamp desc nulls last) rn
  4           from test
  5          ) x
  6    on (x.id = a.id and x.rn = 1)
  7    when matched then update set
  8      a.country = x.country,
  9      a.city = x.city,
 10      a.timestamp = x.timestamp
 11    where a.country is null;

1 row merged.

SQL> select * from test order by id, timestamp desc nulls last;

---------- ------- ------ ----------
         1 India   Pune          222
         1 India   Pune          222
         1 India   Delhi         111
         2 Croatia Zagreb        333


Below query worked:以下查询有效:

UPDATE selfjointable a1
SET (a1.country, a1.city) = (
   SELECT a2.country, a2.city
   FROM selfjointable a1
   WHERE (a1.id=a2.id)
   AND a2.timestamp = (
      SELECT max(a3.timestamp)
      FROM selfjointable a3
      WHERE (a3.id = a2.id) Group by a3.id
WHERE a1.country is null

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