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[英]Extract a Date from a String, String without Space

string s = "ElectricityBillPayment10/1/21 - 10/31/21";字符串 s = "ElectricityBillPayment10/1/21 - 10/31/21";

Extract only date from string仅从字符串中提取日期

Since I don't know the exact format possibilites of your string I simply added a Regex that searches for all dates in your example formats and extracts them out of the string:由于我不知道您的string的确切格式可能性,我只是添加了一个正则Regex ,用于搜索您的示例格式中的所有日期并将它们从字符串中提取出来:

string s = "ElectricityBillPayment10/1/21 - 10/31/21";
var regex = new Regex(@"\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}/\d+");
var dates = regex.Matches(s).Select(match => match.Value).ToList();

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