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"ValueError: Input 0 of layer "sequential" is in compatible with the layer" 在预测中

[英]"ValueError: Input 0 of layer "sequential" is incompatible with the layer" In prediction

I am trying to make a classifier of voices, mine and others and then apply it to a future program.我正在尝试对我的和其他人的声音进行分类,然后将其应用于未来的程序。 I used the CNN model for this, in training it gave very good results, I converted the audio to a spectrogram for CNN to understand.我为此使用了 CNN model,在训练中它给出了非常好的结果,我将音频转换为频谱图以便 CNN 理解。 The problem is in the prediction, I do the same of converting the audio to a spectrogram but it gives me this error.问题出在预测中,我将音频转换为频谱图也是如此,但它给了我这个错误。

ValueError: Input 0 of layer "sequential" is incompatible with the layer: expected shape=(None, 129, 1071, 1), found shape=(None, 1071)

While in the model I put this and gave no error在 model 中,我放了这个并且没有给出错误

model.add(Conv2D(32, kernel_size=(3, 3), activation='relu', input_shape=(129, 1071, 1)))
model.add(Conv2D(64, kernel_size=(3, 3), activation='relu'))
model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)))
model.add(Dense(128, activation='relu'))
model.add(Dense(num_classes, activation='softmax'))

This is my code for the prediction这是我的预测代码

voice_model = load_model(os.path.abspath('Models/voiceclassify2.model'))
classes = ['Other', 'Bernardo']

sample = os.path.abspath('Voiceclassification/Data/me/5.wav')
samplerate, data = wavfile.read(str(sample))

# convert into spectogram
frecuencies, times, spectogram = signal.spectrogram(data, samplerate)

vc_prediction = voice_model.predict(spectogram)[0]
idx = np.argmax(vc_prediction)
label = classes[idx]

print(label, " | ", vc_prediction[idx]*100, "%")

any idea?任何想法?

This is definitely more of a comment than an answer but I cannot write those due to a lack in reputation, so feel free to move it to comments...这绝对是评论而不是答案,但由于缺乏声誉,我无法写这些,所以请随时将其移至评论...

So the problem is that the expected shape (and thus the architecture of your network) and your data's shape don't match.所以问题是预期的形状(以及你的网络架构)和你的数据的形状不匹配。 I guess that's because the predict() call expects you to hand over a batch (look at the first dimension of each shape) of samples to evaluate.我猜这是因为 predict() 调用希望您交出一批样本(查看每个形状的第一个维度)以进行评估。 You may get around this by wrapping the spectrogram argument inside the predict call with a list: vc_prediction = voice_model.predict([spectogram])[0] .您可以通过使用列表将 spectrogram 参数包装在 predict 调用中来解决此问题: vc_prediction = voice_model.predict([spectogram])[0] If this doesn't do the trick I'd recommend to further investigate the shapes of training and evaluation data, I like to do this during runtime in debug mode.如果这不能解决我建议进一步研究训练和评估数据的形状的技巧,我喜欢在运行时以调试模式执行此操作。


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