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ambari Version完整的集群配置备份

[英]ambari Version complete cluster configuration back up

Ambari 2.6 does not have blueprint options. Ambari 2.6 没有蓝图选项。 Can anyone advise me or give me a blog how to take back up for the complete cluster configuration only.任何人都可以建议我或给我一个博客如何仅备份完整的集群配置。 We do not need back up for the data.我们不需要备份数据。 Only configuration.只有配置。 Also, we are using embedded dabase for the Ambari.此外,我们正在为 Ambari 使用嵌入式数据库。 Any step by step advise?有什么循序渐进的建议吗?

Thank you for help.谢谢你的帮助。

It's been a while but you can take a backup of the postgres instance that's used/embedded with Ambari.已经有一段时间了,但您可以备份与 Ambari 一起使用/嵌入的 postgres 实例。 This is pretty close to a cluster backup, it will keep the settings you use today.这非常接近集群备份,它将保留您今天使用的设置。

If you had a backup you could "recover" the cluster like so: Recreate your cluster services on a blank cluster.如果您有备份,您可以像这样“恢复”集群:在空白集群上重新创建集群服务。 Keep all the domain names the same.保持所有域名相同。

Stop All services.
Stop ambari
Restore backup
Start ambari.
Start All services.

This would effectively restore your services with the setting you have today.这将使用您今天的设置有效地恢复您的服务。

If you forgot your services that you installed.如果您忘记了已安装的服务。

  1. You could install ambari,你可以安装ambari,
  2. stop it.停下来。
  3. take a backup of postgress [new backup].备份 postgress [新备份]。
  4. Restore the "config backup you made of the old cluster" postgress backup.恢复“您对旧集群所做的配置备份”postgress 备份。
  5. Start ambari and read all the settings/services that need to be installed....启动 ambari 并阅读所有需要安装的设置/服务....
  6. Stop Ambari停止安巴里
  7. restore [new backup] postgress.恢复 [新备份] postgress。
  8. complete the installation of the cluster.完成集群的安装。
  9. Stop, restore, start.停止,恢复,开始。

This all kinda hinges on you having the packages to install HDP 2.6.2.这一切都取决于您是否拥有安装 HDP 2.6.2 的软件包。 (Hopefully you have an offline repo.) The regular packages for 2.6.2 are likely behind a paywall now... but you could theoretically rebuild them yourself from source code. (希望你有一个离线回购。)2.6.2 的常规包现在可能在付费墙后面......但理论上你可以从源代码自己重建它们。

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