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集群 geojson 图层不适用于标记过滤

[英]Cluster geojson Layer doesn't work with marker filtering

I'm doing a Leaflet map with some GeoJSON data.我正在使用一些 GeoJSON 数据执行 Leaflet map。

I try to add the cluster function to my JS file.我尝试将集群 function 添加到我的 JS 文件中。 As I added some filter and styling features according to properties, I'm unable to find the right way to code the cluster fonction.当我根据属性添加了一些过滤器和样式功能时,我无法找到正确的方法来编写集群函数。

Here is the GeoJSON layer and the filter verificator:这是 GeoJSON 层和过滤器验证器:

const geojsonLayer = L.geoJSON(null,{
filter: (feature) => {
  const isYearChecked = checkboxStates.years.includes(feature.properties.year)
  const isEventTypeChecked = checkboxStates.eventTypes.includes(feature.properties.eventType)
  return isYearChecked && isEventTypeChecked }, //only true if both are true

with the syling function:带有字样 function:

              var year = feature.properties.year;
              if (year <= -150) {
                  return {
                      color: "black"

I add then the popup:然后我添加弹出窗口:

layer.bindPopup(popupText, {
       closeButton: true,
       offset: L.point(0, -10)
     layer.on('click', function() {

I try to add this piece of code to display the cluster but I don't know where to place it in my code in order to work ( https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet.markercluster ):我尝试添加这段代码来显示集群,但我不知道将它放在我的代码中的哪个位置以便工作( https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet.markercluster ):

var markers = L.markerClusterGroup();
// ... Add more layers ...

My whole code is available here: https://github.com/jandre3/pince-crochet我的整个代码在这里可用: https://github.com/jandre3/pince-crochet

Once you have populated your Leaflet GeoJSON Layer Group (typically with geojsonLayer.addData(geoJsonObject) , then instead of adding that group to your map, simply add it into your MarkerClusterGroup:一旦您填充了 Leaflet GeoJSON 图层组(通常使用geojsonLayer.addData(geoJsonObject) ,然后将该组添加到您的 map 中,只需将其添加到您的 MarkerClusterGroup 中:

const mcg = L.markerClusterGroup().addTo(map);


If later on you want to swap the content, you can clear it from both groups and repeat:如果稍后您想交换内容,您可以从两个组中清除它并重复:



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