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[英]Effects of installing add-on on a stateful horizontal scaled node

I am interested on the effects of installing an add-on on a stateful horizontally scaled node.我对在有状态的水平缩放节点上安装附加组件的效果感兴趣。 When a node is scaled and has 3 nodes (1 master and 2 regular), does the installed add-on only have effect on the Master node or is it installed on the regular nodes too?当一个节点被扩展并且有 3 个节点(1 个主节点和 2 个常规节点)时,安装的插件是只对主节点有影响还是安装在常规节点上? If not, can we explicitly install an add-on on a regular node?如果没有,我们可以在常规节点上显式安装附加组件吗? Could not find information about this situation on the documents.在文档中找不到有关这种情况的信息。

This is somewhat defined by the add-on itself depending on what it has defined in its onBeforeScaleOut and onAfterScaleOut event handlers.这在某种程度上由附加组件本身定义,具体取决于它在其onBeforeScaleOutonAfterScaleOut事件处理程序中定义的内容。

Ideally, every add-on should be written with those handlers in place (or appropriate behaviour without the necessity of those handlers), but in practice that's not guaranteed... depends entirely on the author.理想情况下,每个附加组件都应该与这些处理程序一起编写(或适当的行为而不需要这些处理程序),但实际上这并不能保证......完全取决于作者。

If we assume that the add-on in question did not define what should happen, stateful scaling means that the entire filesystem of the master node will be copied - so any configuration files or system packages that were deployed on the master node by the add-on will also appear on the newly horizontally scaled node.如果我们假设有问题的插件没有定义应该发生什么,有状态扩展意味着主节点的整个文件系统将被复制 - 因此插件部署在主节点上的任何配置文件或系统包 - on 也将出现在新水平缩放的节点上。

The documentation mentions a warning for the inverse scenario (applicable for stateless scaling):文档提到了相反情况的警告(适用于无状态扩展):

  • add-ons - any add-ons installed on the layer won't be available附加组件- 图层上安装的任何附加组件都将不可用

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