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按一列分组并使用 R 将月度、季度混合数据的当前期间值与以前的值进行比较

[英]Groupby one column and compare monthly, quarterly mixed data's current period values with previous using R

Assuming I have a panel data as follows, which was edited from this link :假设我有一个面板数据如下,它是从此链接编辑的:

df <- structure(list(id = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 
2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L), .Label = c("M01", 
"M02", "S01"), class = "factor"), date = structure(c(2L, 3L, 
4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 
5L, 6L, 7L, 8L), .Label = c("2020-12", "2021-01", "2021-02", 
"2021-03", "2021-04", "2021-05", "2021-06", "2021-07"), class = "factor"), 
    actual = c(3.4, 5.4, 7.4, 7.4, 7.5, 8, 8.9, 10.8, 10.1, 8.2, 
    10.1, 9.4, 10.1, 9.4, -0.3, NA, NA, 8.6, NA, NA, 8.3, NA), 
    pred = c(3.288889774, 5.819407687, 6.705608369, 6.054457292, 
    5.582409131, 7.01052472, 9.742902434, 10.98571396, 6.522003651, 
    9.688977242, 10.39801463, 9.398991615, 9.764616936, 9.855033457, 
    0.493311422, 8.403722942, 8.174854517, 8.573117852, 8.403065801, 
    8.684289455, 8.719079247, 8.259439468)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 

After groupby id , for each month's actual and predicted values, I need to check if current month's actual and predicted values with same directions comparing to previous month's actual values.在 groupby id之后,对于每个月的实际值和预测值,我需要检查当月的实际值和预测值与上个月的实际值相比是否具有相同的方向。 The logic of creating new columns is: if the difference values of two months' are positive , negative or zero s, then return increase , decrease and unchanged respectively, if either or both of values are NA s, then return NA .创建新列的逻辑是:如果两个月'的差值为positivenegativezero ,则分别返回increasedecreaseunchanged ,如果其中一个或两个值为NA ,则返回NA

df %>% 
  # mutate(year = as.integer(year)) %>% 
  group_by(id) %>% 
  # arrange(date) %>% 
  mutate(act_direction = case_when(actual > lag(actual) ~ "increase",
                                   actual < lag(actual) ~ "decrease",
                                   actual == lag(actual) ~ "unchanged"),
         pred_direction = case_when(pred > lag(actual) ~ "increase",
                                    pred < lag(actual) ~ "decrease",
                                    pred == lag(actual) ~ "unchanged"))

If all id are monthly data, the code above works smoothly.如果所有id都是月度数据,上面的代码可以顺利运行。 But for this example, we will have exception: let's say for id=='S01' , it's a quarterly data instead of monthly, so I'll need compare values ie., in 2021-03 's with 2020-12 's instead of 2021-02 , same logic for other months.但是对于这个例子,我们会有例外:假设id=='S01'是季度数据而不是月度数据,所以我需要比较值,即2021-032020-12的值而不是2021-02 ,其他月份的逻辑相同。

How could I modify the code to coordinate with this case?我如何修改代码以适应这种情况? Thanks.谢谢。

The expected outcome:预期结果:

    id    date actual       pred act_direction pred_direction
1  M01 2021-01    3.4  3.2888898                             
2  M01 2021-02    5.4  5.8194077      increase       increase
3  M01 2021-03    7.4  6.7056084      increase       increase
4  M01 2021-04    7.4  6.0544573     unchanged       decrease
5  M01 2021-05    7.5  5.5824091      increase       decrease
6  M01 2021-06    8.0  7.0105247      increase       decrease
7  M01 2021-07    8.9  9.7429024      increase       increase
8  M02 2021-01   10.8 10.9857140                             
9  M02 2021-02   10.1  6.5220037      decrease       decrease
10 M02 2021-03    8.2  9.6889772      decrease       decrease
11 M02 2021-04   10.1 10.3980146      increase       increase
12 M02 2021-05    9.4  9.3989916      decrease       decrease
13 M02 2021-06   10.1  9.7646169      increase       increase
14 M02 2021-07    9.4  9.8550335      decrease       decrease
15 S01 2020-12   -0.3  0.4933114                             
16 S01 2021-01     NA  8.4037229                             
17 S01 2021-02     NA  8.1748545                             
18 S01 2021-03    8.6  8.5731179      increase       increase  # compare with S01's actual value in 2020-12
19 S01 2021-04     NA  8.4030658                             
20 S01 2021-05     NA  8.6842895                             
21 S01 2021-06    8.3  8.7190792      decrease       increase  # compare with S01's actual value in 2021-03
22 S01 2021-07     NA  8.2594395                             

data.table solution data.table解决方案

v <- c('actual', 'pred')
   (paste0(v,'_direction')) := lapply(.SD, function(x){
       x > lag(actual) ~ "increase",
       x < lag(actual) ~ "decrease",
       x == lag(actual) ~ "unchanged"
by = .(id),
.SDcols = v

     id    date actual       pred actual_direction pred_direction
 1: M01 2021-01    3.4  3.2888898             <NA>           <NA>
 2: M01 2021-02    5.4  5.8194077         increase       increase
 3: M01 2021-03    7.4  6.7056084         increase       increase
 4: M01 2021-04    7.4  6.0544573        unchanged       decrease
 5: M01 2021-05    7.5  5.5824091         increase       decrease
 6: M01 2021-06    8.0  7.0105247         increase       decrease
 7: M01 2021-07    8.9  9.7429024         increase       increase
 8: M02 2021-01   10.8 10.9857140             <NA>           <NA>
 9: M02 2021-02   10.1  6.5220037         decrease       decrease
10: M02 2021-03    8.2  9.6889772         decrease       decrease
11: M02 2021-04   10.1 10.3980146         increase       increase
12: M02 2021-05    9.4  9.3989916         decrease       decrease
13: M02 2021-06   10.1  9.7646169         increase       increase
14: M02 2021-07    9.4  9.8550335         decrease       decrease
15: S01 2020-12   -0.3  0.4933114             <NA>           <NA>
16: S01 2021-01     NA  8.4037229             <NA>           <NA>
17: S01 2021-02     NA  8.1748545             <NA>           <NA>
18: S01 2021-03    8.6  8.5731179         increase       increase
19: S01 2021-04     NA  8.4030658             <NA>           <NA>
20: S01 2021-05     NA  8.6842895             <NA>           <NA>
21: S01 2021-06    8.3  8.7190792         decrease       increase
22: S01 2021-07     NA  8.2594395             <NA>           <NA>
     id    date actual       pred actual_direction pred_direction

You can try using a temporary fill and then remove the unwanted values by referring back to the original data.您可以尝试使用临时fill ,然后通过参考原始数据来删除不需要的值。


chg <- c("decrease", "unchanged", "increase")

df %>% 
  group_by(id) %>% 
  mutate(actual2=actual) %>% 
  fill(actual2) %>% 
  mutate(act_direction = case_when(
              actual2 > lag(actual2) ~ chg[3], 
              actual2 < lag(actual2) ~ chg[1], 
              actual2 == lag(actual2) ~ chg[2]), 
         pred_direction = case_when(
              pred > lag(actual2) ~ chg[3], 
              pred < lag(actual2) ~ chg[1], 
              pred == lag(actual2) ~ chg[2]), 
         pred_direction=ifelse(is.na(actual),NA,pred_direction), actual2=NULL) %>%
  mutate(across(c(act_direction, pred_direction), replace_na, "")) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
A tibble: 22 × 6
 id    date    actual   pred act_direction pred_direction
 <fct> <fct>    <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>         <chr>         
 M01   2021-01    3.4  3.29  ""            ""            
 M01   2021-02    5.4  5.82  "increase"    "increase"    
 M01   2021-03    7.4  6.71  "increase"    "increase"    
 M01   2021-04    7.4  6.05  "unchanged"   "decrease"    
 M01   2021-05    7.5  5.58  "increase"    "decrease"    
 M01   2021-06    8    7.01  "increase"    "decrease"    
 M01   2021-07    8.9  9.74  "increase"    "increase"    
 M02   2021-01   10.8 11.0   ""            ""            
 M02   2021-02   10.1  6.52  "decrease"    "decrease"    
 M02   2021-03    8.2  9.69  "decrease"    "decrease"    
 M02   2021-04   10.1 10.4   "increase"    "increase"    
 M02   2021-05    9.4  9.40  "decrease"    "decrease"    
 M02   2021-06   10.1  9.76  "increase"    "increase"    
 M02   2021-07    9.4  9.86  "decrease"    "decrease"    
 S01   2020-12   -0.3  0.493 ""            ""            
 S01   2021-01   NA    8.40  ""            ""            
 S01   2021-02   NA    8.17  ""            ""            
 S01   2021-03    8.6  8.57  "increase"    "increase"    
 S01   2021-04   NA    8.40  ""            ""            
 S01   2021-05   NA    8.68  ""            ""            
 S01   2021-06    8.3  8.72  "decrease"    "increase"    
 S01   2021-07   NA    8.26  ""            ""

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