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如何向 AsyncMock 添加属性?

[英]How do I add an attribute to AsyncMock?


class SomeClass(BaseClass):
    async def async_method(arg1, arg2, **kwargs):
        await self.foo.bar(arg1=arg1, arg2=arg2).baz(**kwargs)

One of the tests used:使用的测试之一:

def same_class():
    return SameClass()

async def test_async_method(some_class: SomeClass):
    arg1_mock = 1
    arg2_mock = 2
    some_class.foo.bar = AsyncMock()
    some_class.foo.bar.baz = AsyncMock()
    await some_class.async_method(arg1=arg1_mock, arg2=arg2_moc)

I get an error:我收到一个错误:

AttributeError: 'coroutine' object has no attribute 'baz'

How to add an asynchronous attribute method to AsyncMock?如何向 AsyncMock 添加异步属性方法? Any help任何帮助

From the AsyncMock documentation来自AsyncMock文档

The AsyncMock object will behave so the object is recognized as an async function, and the result of a call is an awaitable. AsyncMock object 将运行,因此 object 被识别为异步 function,并且调用的结果是可等待的。

In your code, bar is the async function that returns an awaitable.在您的代码中, bar是异步 function ,它返回一个等待。 To make the awaitable return something with a baz attribute, set it on the return value instead.要使可等待返回具有baz属性的内容,请将其设置为返回值。

some_class.foo.bar = AsyncMock()
some_class.foo.bar.return_value.baz = AsyncMock()

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