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Emgu.CV Object 标记

[英]Emgu.CV Object Marker

I built a pan-tilt system with 2 servos and laser diode.我建立了一个带有 2 个伺服系统和激光二极管的云台系统。 The system was controlled by Arduino Nano.该系统由 Arduino Nano 控制。 By using Emgu.CV in C#, I created a grayscale image and convert it to a black-white image using GrayImg.ThresholdBinaryInv .通过在 C# 中使用 Emgu.CV,我创建了一个灰度图像并使用GrayImg.ThresholdBinaryInv将其转换为黑白图像。 I'm using Inverse Kinematics calculations but the laser diode couldn't mark the object well.我正在使用逆运动学计算,但激光二极管无法很好地标记 object。 Where did I make a mistake?我在哪里做错了? Image coordinate system and servos coordinate systems are not same.图像坐标系和舵机坐标系不相同。 Thus, I did mapping and scaling.因此,我做了映射和缩放。 It should work but the accuracy of the laser diode is inaccurate.它应该可以工作,但激光二极管的精度不准确。

Arduino Code Arduino 代码

#include <Servo.h>

int Th1, Th2, tmp;
Servo M1;
Servo M2;
void setup() 
  pinMode(6,OUTPUT; // Laser Diode
  Th1 = 0;
  Th2 = 0;

void loop() 
  delay(200); //sync issue only

    Th1 = Serial.read(); //read only one byte
    Th2 = Serial.read();

    //Remove any extra worng reading
    while(Serial.available()) tmp = Serial.read();    
    // Run the robotic arm here. For testing, we will    
    //switch On or switch off a LED according to Th1 value

    //Serial.print('1'); // This tell the PC that Arduino is Ready for next angles

C# Code C#代码

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO.Ports;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Emgu.CV;
using Emgu.Util;
using Emgu.CV.Structure;

namespace ObjectMarker
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        private Capture capture; 
        private Image<Bgr, Byte> IMG;
        private Image<Gray,Byte> blackWhite;
        private Image<Gray, Byte> GrayImg; 
        private int N, Xpx, Ypx; // N -> Number of non-black pixels
        private double Xcm, Ycm;
        private double myScale;
        private double Th1, Th2;
        static SerialPort _serialPort;
        public byte []Buff = new byte[2];
        public Form1() //Constructor of the Form1
            //myScale = 65.0 / 480.0;
            myScale = 1.7 / 13;
             _serialPort = new SerialPort();
            _serialPort.PortName = "COM4";//Set your board COM
            _serialPort.BaudRate = 9600;

        private void processFrame(object sender, EventArgs e) // Most important function
        {                       //You're not connected any camera - null 
            if (capture == null)//very important to handel excption - capture - point of the camera
                    capture = new Capture(1); //creatine a object 
                catch (NullReferenceException excpt)

            IMG = capture.QueryFrame();// capture the current frame. Get an image.
            GrayImg = IMG.Convert<Gray, Byte>();
            blackWhite = GrayImg.ThresholdBinaryInv(new Gray(25),new Gray (255));
            Xpx = 0;
            Ypx = 0;
            N = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < blackWhite.Width; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < blackWhite.Height; j++) {
                    if(blackWhite[j,i].Intensity > 128){
                        Xpx += i;
                    Ypx += j;

                Xpx = Xpx / N;
                Ypx = Ypx / N;
                Xpx = (blackWhite.Width / 2) - Xpx; //320 - xpx
                Ypx = Ypx - (blackWhite.Height / 2); // ypx - 240
                Xcm = Xpx * myScale;
                Ycm = Ypx * myScale;

                double d3 = 28; // Laser to wall dist. (?)
                double Zcm = 108; // Cam to wall dist.
                double d1 = 3.50; // Joint to joint dist.
                double l2 = 4.50; // Joint to laser dist. (?)

                textBox1.Text = Xcm.ToString();
                textBox2.Text = Ycm.ToString();
                textBox3.Text = N.ToString();
                textBox11.Text = Zcm.ToString();
                textBox12.Text = myScale.ToString();

                //Inverse Calculations

                double Px, Py, Pz,Diff = 0;
                // Mapping
                //Px = Zcm;
                Px = -1 * Zcm;
                Py = -1 * Xcm;
                Pz = Ycm + Diff; // The laptop has built-in camera and the pan-tilt above the keyboard so there's a distance between camera and pan-tilt system (laser diode)

                textBox8.Text = Px.ToString();
                textBox9.Text = Py.ToString();
                textBox10.Text = Pz.ToString();

                Th1 = Math.Atan((Py / Px));
                Th2 = Math.Atan((Math.Sin(Th1) * (Pz - d1)) / Py);

                //Th1 = Math.Atan(Ycm / Xcm);
                //Th2 = Math.Atan((Math.Sin(Th1) * (Zcm - d1)) / Ycm);
                textBox4.Text = Th1.ToString();
                textBox5.Text = Th2.ToString();

                Th1 = (Th1 * (180 / Math.PI));
                Th2 = (Th2 * (180 / Math.PI));
                Th1 += 90;
                Th2 += 90;

                textBox6.Text = Th1.ToString();
                textBox7.Text = Th2.ToString();

                label11.Text = trackBar1.Value.ToString();
                label12.Text = trackBar2.Value.ToString();
                Buff[0] = (byte)trackBar1.Value; //Th1
                Buff[1] = (byte)trackBar2.Value; //Th2

                textBox1.Text = "";
                textBox2.Text = "";
                textBox3.Text = N.ToString();

                Buff[0] = (byte)90; //Th1
                Buff[1] = (byte)90; //Th2
                _serialPort.Write(Buff, 0, 2);
                imageBox1.Image = IMG;
                imageBox2.Image = GrayImg;
                imageBox3.Image = blackWhite;
            catch (Exception ex)

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Application.Idle += processFrame; //Serial comm between arduino and computer
            timer1.Enabled = true;
            button1.Enabled = false;
            button2.Enabled = true;

        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Application.Idle -= processFrame;
            timer1.Enabled = false;
            button1.Enabled = true;
            button2.Enabled = false;

        private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) // I measure the object size from paint. It gave me pixel size. Then I measure the real size of the image. Real size divided by pixel size gives scale.
            IMG.Save("G:\\CurrentFrame" +  ".jpg");
        void Timer1Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)


This question is very hard to answer, as there are many places where an error could have crept in. Without further diagnosis and knowledge of the system, it's almost impossible to give a clear answer.这个问题很难回答,因为有很多地方可能会出现错误。如果没有进一步的诊断和系统知识,几乎不可能给出明确的答案。 I suggest you perform some more diagnosis, and if the answer still eludes you, reformulate your question (or close it when you find the answer yourself).我建议您进行更多诊断,如果您仍然无法找到答案,请重新提出您的问题(或在您自己找到答案时关闭它)。

Some possible sources of error (and points for diagnosis) could be:一些可能的错误来源(和诊断要点)可能是:

  • In the Arduino code, you throw away anything after the first two bytes of Serial communication.在 Arduino 代码中,您在串行通信的前两个字节之后丢弃任何内容。 Why would there be extra bytes?为什么会有额外的字节? Are you sure the extra bytes are garbage, and, inversely, the first two bytes are the correct ones?您确定多余的字节是垃圾,相反,前两个字节是正确的吗?
  • In the C# mapping of coordinates, you perform a translation of the coordinates.在 C# 坐标映射中,您执行坐标的平移。 Are you sure the system is exactly axis-parallel?您确定系统完全平行轴吗? An error of just a few degrees quickly adds up.仅仅几度的误差很快就会增加。 You might need to add a rotational transformation.您可能需要添加旋转变换。
  • Your C# code returns an angle (in degrees) for the servo.您的 C# 代码返回伺服的角度(以度为单位)。 This could be negative, or above 255, so converting it to a byte could, on overflow, lead to passing a (completely) wrong value to the Arduino.这可能是负数,或高于 255,因此将其转换为字节可能会在溢出时导致将(完全)错误的值传递给 Arduino。

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