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转换 Vec<rtcicecandidate> 进入 JsValue</rtcicecandidate>

[英]Converting Vec<RtcIceCandidate> into JsValue

I am trying to define a js_sys::Promise .我正在尝试定义一个js_sys::Promise The resolution of the promise should return a container buf with all gathered ice candidates in a webrtc initialization. promise 的分辨率应该在 webrtc 初始化中返回一个包含所有收集的候选冰的容器buf

let promise = js_sys::Promise::new(&mut |resolve: js_sys::Function, reject: js_sys::Function| {
    let mut buf: Vec<RtcIceCandidate> = Vec::new();
    let onicecandidate_callback = Closure::wrap(
        Box::new(move |ev: RtcPeerConnectionIceEvent| match ev.candidate() {
            Some(candidate) => {
            None => {
                // resolve promise here
        }) as Box<dyn FnMut(RtcPeerConnectionIceEvent)>,

I am not sure how to convert buf into a JsValue which is required to call theresolve function.我不确定如何将buf转换为调用resolve JsValue所需的 JsValue。 I am getting the following error when trying to compile the code above:尝试编译上面的代码时出现以下错误:

error[E0277]: the trait bound `wasm_bindgen::JsValue: From<Vec<RtcIceCandidate>>` is not satisfied
   --> src/lib.rs:529:43
529 |                     resolve.call0(&buffer.into());
    |                                           ^^^^ the trait `From<Vec<RtcIceCandidate>>` is not implemented for `wasm_bindgen::JsValue`
    = help: the following implementations were found:
              <wasm_bindgen::JsValue as From<&'a T>>
              <wasm_bindgen::JsValue as From<&'a std::string::String>>
              <wasm_bindgen::JsValue as From<&'a str>>
              <wasm_bindgen::JsValue as From<ArrayBuffer>>
            and 112 others
    = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `Into<wasm_bindgen::JsValue>` for `Vec<RtcIceCandidate>`

I have tried some alternative ways of converting buf:我尝试了一些转换 buf 的替代方法:


This gives the error:这给出了错误:

error[E0277]: the trait bound `Vec<RtcIceCandidate>: JsCast` is not satisfied
   --> src/lib.rs:529:36
529 |                     resolve.call0(&JsValue::from(&buffer));
    |                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `JsCast` is not implemented for `Vec<RtcIceCandidate>`
    = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `From<&Vec<RtcIceCandidate>>` for `wasm_bindgen::JsValue`

And JsValue::from_serde requires that RtcIceCandidate implements the Serialize trait, which is not the case here.并且JsValue::from_serde要求RtcIceCandidate实现Serialize特征,这里不是这种情况。

The problem is not with the RtcIceCandidate , that derefs to JsValue .问题不在于RtcIceCandidate ,它与JsValue JsValue

I've never used js-sys, so I may be wrong, but the problem seems to be that converting Vec into js_sys::Array must be done explicitly (maybe because it's expensive and needs one WASM→JS call per element?).我从来没有使用过 js-sys,所以我可能错了,但问题似乎是必须明确地将Vec转换为js_sys::Array (可能是因为它很昂贵并且每个元素需要一个 WASM→JS 调用?)。

You can convert a Vec to a JsValue like this:您可以像这样将Vec转换为JsValue


But I suspect that it would be better to work with the Array directly.但我怀疑直接使用Array会更好。

use js_sys::Array;
use wasm_bindgen::prelude::Closure;
use web_sys::RtcPeerConnectionIceEvent;

fn main() {
    let _promise = js_sys::Promise::new(
        &mut |resolve: js_sys::Function, _reject: js_sys::Function| {
            let buf: Array = Array::new();
            let _onicecandidate_callback = Closure::wrap(Box::new(
                move |ev: RtcPeerConnectionIceEvent| match ev.candidate() {
                    Some(candidate) => {
                    None => {
                        // resolve promise here
                as Box<dyn FnMut(RtcPeerConnectionIceEvent)>);

And the Cargo.toml , in case anybody else wants to reproduce:还有Cargo.toml ,以防其他人想要复制:

web-sys = { version = "0.3.56", features = ["RtcIceCandidate", "RtcPeerConnectionIceEvent"] }
js-sys = "0.3.56"
wasm-bindgen = "0.2.79"

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