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如何在nodejs中插入ref objectId?

[英]How to insert ref objectId in nodejs?

  1. Main Model主Model

 { name: { type: String, trim: true, required: true }, carModels: [{ type: ObjectId, ref: 'CarModel' }] }

  1. Second Model第二 Model

 { name: { type: String, trim: true, required: true }, carModels: [ { type: ObjectId, ref: 'CarModel' } ] },

  1. Third Model第三 Model

 { name: { type: String, trim: true, required: true } },

Here i am trying to insert the data like this在这里我试图插入这样的数据

 { "name": "test", "phoneNumber": "0123456789", "email": "m@m.com", "carMakes": [{ "name": "BMW", "carModels": [{ "_id": "some id" }] }] }

and it giving me error like它给了我这样的错误

carMakes.0: Cast to [ObjectId] failed for value

here is the create function这里是创建 function

export const create = async data => {
  const result = await Booking(data).save();
  return result;

Can anyone tell what I am missing here..i am learning nodejs谁能告诉我在这里缺少什么..我正在学习nodejs

i think the problem is with the _id that you're passing to carModel and since you set the type to ObjectId it has to be in a valid format "either 12 byte binary string, or a 24 hex byte string" and "some id" is not the valid one if you're sending that.我认为问题出在您传递给carModel_id上,并且由于您将类型设置为ObjectId ,因此它必须采用有效格式“12 字节二进制字符串或 24 十六进制字节字符串”和“某些 id”如果您要发送它,则不是有效的。

you can check if your id is valid with isValidObjectId() function.您可以使用isValidObjectId() function 检查您的 id 是否有效。

or you can easily generate an ObjectId :或者您可以轻松生成ObjectId

var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var id = new mongoose.Types.ObjectId();

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