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如何查找类型为 objectId 的键,参考<some model></some>

[英]How to find key with type objectId , ref to <some model>

I have created a Notes model having schema as shown below我创建了一个 Notes model,其架构如下所示

const notesschema = new Schema({
user :{
    type : Schema.Types.ObjectId,
    ref : 'User',
    required : true
problem : {
    type : Schema.Types.ObjectId,
    ref : 'Problems',
    required : true
content : {
    type : 'string'
timestamps : true

To show the User his notes for a particular task/problem I am trying to fetch notes and show to him and possibly update if he do some changes and save, The problem is with this schema I dont know how to write <model.findById >API to find notes from my notes model having particular user and specific task/problem.Which I would know the Id of.为了向用户展示他对特定任务/问题的笔记,我正在尝试获取笔记并向他展示,如果他做了一些更改并保存,可能会更新,问题在于这个模式我不知道如何写 <model.findById >从我的笔记 model 中查找具有特定用户和特定任务/问题的笔记的 API。我会知道它的 ID。

With this particular schema, and my current knowledge i would have to write So much code.有了这个特定的模式,以及我目前的知识,我将不得不编写这么多代码。 So if there is any easier way to do this task is welcomed,因此,如果有任何更简单的方法来完成这项任务,欢迎,
I was also thinking to change my schema and just placing my user id in my schema instead of whole user and finding notes from my database我也在考虑改变我的架构,只是将我的用户 ID 放在我的架构中而不是整个用户并从我的数据库中查找注释

const notesschemaOfUser = await notesschema.findOne({user: user_id});

You create the notes' collection the same way you're doing it,你创建笔记的集合的方式和你做的一样,

const notesSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  user: {
    type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
    ref: 'User', // # the name of the user model
    required: true
  problem: {
    type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
    ref: 'Problem', // # the name of the user model
    required: true
  content: String

Then you'll create the model of the notesSchema as follows:然后,您将创建 notesSchema 的 model,如下所示:

const NoteModel = mongoose.model('Note', notesSchema, 'notes')

export them so you can use them in your controllers:导出它们以便您可以在控制器中使用它们:

module.exports = {

or if you're using +es6 modules (think of, if you're using TypeScript):或者如果您使用的是 +es6 模块(想想,如果您使用的是 TypeScript):

export default {

This will result in creating the following table ( collection ) in the database:这将导致在数据库中创建下表(集合):


Let's think of the following challenges:让我们考虑以下挑战:

To get all the notes:要获取所有注释:


To get all the users:获取所有用户:

UserModel.find({}) // you should have something like this in your code of course

To get all the problems:得到所有的问题:

ProblemModel.find({}) // you should have something like this in your code of course

To get all the notes of a user:获取用户的所有笔记:

NotesModel.find({ user: USER_ID })

To search for notes by problem s :要按问题搜索笔记

NotesModel.find({ problem: PROBLEM_ID })

Now, the above is how you do it in mongoose, now let's create a RESTFUL controller for all of that: (assuming you're using express)现在,以上是您在 mongoose 中的操作方式,现在让我们为所有这些创建一个 RESTFUL controller:(假设您使用的是 express)

const expressAsyncHandler = require('express-async-handler') // download this from npm if you want
app.route('/notes').get(expressAsyncHandler(async (req, res, next) => {
  const data = await NotesModel.find(req.query)
    status: 'success',

The req.query is what's going to include the search filters, the search filters will be sent by the client (the front-end) as follows: req.query将包含搜索过滤器,搜索过滤器将由客户端(前端)发送,如下所示:


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