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在 sanic 上下文 object 上键入检查变量?

[英]Type checking variables on the sanic context object?

The sanic python http server provides a context object for global state. sanic python http 服务器为全局 Z9ED39E2EA931586B6EZ85A6942EF57 提供上下文object。 A nice newer feature of python is type checking, which can detect misspelled attributes. python 的一个不错的新功能是类型检查,它可以检测拼写错误的属性。 Is there a way of telling a type system like mypy what attributes, and their types you want to add to context object?有没有办法告诉像 mypy 这样的类型系统你想将哪些属性以及它们的类型添加到上下文 object 中?

Because the object is a SimpleNamespace, there is no OOTB way to handle this.因为 object 是一个 SimpleNamespace,所以没有 OOTB 方法来处理这个问题。 But, you have a few alternatives.但是,你有几个选择。

First, you can use Sanic Extensions to inject an object that is typed.首先,您可以使用Sanic Extensions注入一个已键入的 object。

foo = Foo()


async def getfoo(request: Request, foo: Foo):
    return text(foo.bar())

Second, you could create a custom object that is typed and pass that to Sanic.其次,您可以创建一个自定义的 object,然后将其传递给 Sanic。

class CustomContext:
    foo: int

app = Sanic(..., ctx= CustomContext())

ctx: CustomContext = app.ctx

Third, you could subclass the Sanic class and provide a typed object.第三,您可以子类化Sanic class 并提供类型化的 object。

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