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如何将自动 lambda 参数约束为指向成员 function 的指针?

[英]How to constrain an auto lambda parameter to a pointer to member function?

I have a generic lambda function that needs to accept a pointer-to-member-function as a parameter.我有一个通用的 lambda function 需要接受指向成员函数的指针作为参数。 I can of course simply use auto on its own and the compiler will deduce the correct type.我当然可以简单地使用auto ,编译器会推断出正确的类型。 However, where possible, I prefer to decorate my auto parameters with * , & and const where appropriate, thus better communicating the nature and intent of the deduced type.但是,在可能的情况下,我更喜欢在适当的地方用*&const装饰我的自动参数,从而更好地传达推导类型的性质和意图。 If I simply make the auto parameter an auto* , I get a compiler error, which I'm not really surprised by as auto* signifies a regular pointer, not a pointer-to-member.如果我只是将auto参数设为 auto auto* ,则会出现编译器错误,对此我并不感到惊讶,因为auto*表示常规指针,而不是指向成员的指针。 Is there some syntax for constraining an auto parameter to accept a pointer-to-member, or should I just use auto and forget about it?是否有一些语法可以约束auto参数以接受指向成员的指针,或者我应该只使用auto并忘记它?

int main()
    struct S { void m() {} };

    //auto l = [](auto* pmf) // ERROR
    //auto l = [](const auto& pmf) // Works, but uh, bit misleading I think
    auto l = [](auto pmf)
        S s;


You can declare it as:您可以将其声明为:

auto l = [](auto S::*pmf)

It does tie the pointer to a S type, but it makes sense because it is that way you will use it.它确实将指针绑定到S类型,但这是有道理的,因为您将使用它。

In C++20 you can constrain it with a concept:在 C++20 中,你可以用一个概念来约束它:

#include <type_traits>

template <typename T>
concept MemberPointer = std::is_member_pointer_v<T>;

void test() {
    auto foo = [](MemberPointer auto memPtr) {};

You can use C++20 requires -clause to do this:您可以使用 C++20 requires -clause 来执行此操作:

#include <type_traits>

auto l = [](auto pmf) requires std::is_member_function_pointer_v<decltype(pmf)>
  S s;


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