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MSVC:C++14:std:set:比较 function:为什么需要“const”?

[英]MSVC: C++14: std:set: comparison function: why "const" is required?

Sample code:示例代码:

#include <string>
#include <set>

using namespace std;

class x
  int i;
  int get_i() const { return i; }

struct x_cmp
    bool operator()(x const & m1, x const & m2)
#if _MSC_VER
        return m1.get_i() > m2.get_i();

std::set<x, x_cmp> members;

void add_member(x const & member)


$ g++ -c -std=c++14 -pedantic -Wall -Wextra
$ clang++ -c -std=c++14 -pedantic -Wall -Wextra
$ icc -c -std=c++14 -pedantic -Wall -Wextra
$ cl /c /std:c++14 /Za

Question: why msvc requires const while others don't?问题:为什么 msvc 需要const而其他人不需要? Or why others don't require const ?或者为什么其他人不需要const

This is LWG2542 .这是LWG2542 In C++14, the wording for the comparison operator said "possibly const", which was interpreted by GCC and Clang as meaning that the comparison operator was not required to be const qualified.在 C++14 中,比较运算符的写法是“可能是 const”,GCC 和 Clang 将其解释为不需要const的意思。 MSVC always required it. MSVC 总是需要它。

This is a wording defect, as comparison operators for associative containers should be const qualified.这是一个措辞缺陷,因为关联容器的比较运算符应该是const限定的。 This was changed in C++17 to require the comparator to be const .这在 C++17 中进行了更改,要求比较器为const This is a breaking change, so valid (though broken) C++14 code may fail to compile in C++17.这是一个重大更改,因此有效(尽管已损坏)C++14 代码可能无法在 C++17 中编译。

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