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Function 的激活函数

[英]Function of Activation functions

is it possible to define a function of activation function?是否可以定义激活 function 的 function? I tried to do:我试着做:

def activation():
    # return nn.Sin()
    # return nn.Tanh()
    # return nn.Sigmoid()
    # return nn.Tanhshrink()
    return nn.HardTanh(-1,1)
    # return nn.Hardswish()
    # return nn.functionnal.silu()

But i get an error when trying to call it.但是在尝试调用它时出现错误。 Here is an example:这是一个例子:

def f():
  return nn.Tanh()
input = torch.randn(2)
output = f(input)

it outputs "TypeError: f() takes 0 positional arguments but 1 was given".它输出“TypeError:f() 采用 0 位置 arguments 但给出了 1”。 It doesn't work even i gave it an argument x.即使我给了它一个参数x,它也不起作用。

You can either use the object-oriented approach:您可以使用面向对象的方法:

>>> f = nn.Tanh()
>>> output = f(x)

Or the functional approach where you will find the equivalent for nn.Tanh inside nn.functional as tanh .或者功能方法,您可以在nn.functional中找到nn.Tanh的等价物作为tanh

>>> f = nn.functional.tanh
>>> output = f(x)

Indeed, you are not providing argument to the function.实际上,您没有为 function 提供论据。 Is this what you are trying to do?这是你想要做的吗?

def f(x):
  return nn.Tanh(x)

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