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C# 控制台应用程序显示来自另一个正在运行的进程的剩余时间或百分比

[英]C# console application display remaining time or percentage from another running process

i have a c# console program.Im using .net 2.0.我有一个 c# 控制台程序。我正在使用 .net 2.0。 Im launching an exe from my console program.我从我的控制台程序启动一个 exe。 That exe shows progress bar on taskbar.该exe在任务栏上显示进度条。

Here i want to read progress percentage from that exe and want to display (1% 2% 3% etc) on my console app program.在这里,我想从该 exe 中读取进度百分比,并希望在我的控制台应用程序上显示(1% 2% 3% 等)。

(i dont want to display whole output of that exe into my program. i also did test of setting following code but it shows all output of that exe i only want to display percentage ) (我不想在我的程序中显示该 exe 的整个 output。我还测试了设置以下代码,但它显示了该 exe 的所有 output 我只想显示百分比)

Is this possible using .net 2.0?这可以使用 .net 2.0 吗?

im beginner in c#我是 c# 的初学者

i have following working code我有以下工作代码

        string fullName = "A.exe" ;
        Process p1 = new Process();
        p1.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
        p1.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = true;
        p1.StartInfo.FileName = fullName;

To read program's progress, you should redirect the standard output and define a method DataReceived that handles OutputDataReceived event of the specified Process instance.要读取程序的进度,您应该重定向标准 output 并定义一个DataReceived方法来处理指定Process实例的OutputDataReceived事件。 This method, for example, gets the percentage of the text, assuming it contains a single number (see GetPercent ), and updates the progress information as you see fit.例如,此方法获取文本的百分比,假设它包含一个数字(请参阅GetPercent ),并根据您认为合适的方式更新进度信息。

static class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        using (Process proc = new Process
            StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo
                FileName = "A.exe", // Type filename here.
                WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden,
                CreateNoWindow = true,
                RedirectStandardError = true,
                RedirectStandardOutput = true,
                UseShellExecute = false
            proc.OutputDataReceived += DataReceived;

    // Updates a progress value.
    static void DataReceived(object sender, DataReceivedEventArgs e)
        // The e.Data property contains programs output string.
        // Esc-symbol \r means overwriting the current line.
        Console.Write("\rTotal " + GetPercent(e.Data) + " completed.");

    // Gets the percentage from the output string. 
    static string GetPercent(string data)
        // The regular expression that finds a number from a string.
        Regex regex = new Regex(@"([^\d]|^)\d{1,2}([^\d]|$)");
        Match match = regex.Match(data);
        return match.Value;

This code should be modified for the specific output format of your program.此代码应针对您程序的特定 output 格式进行修改。

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