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节点 | npm : html-pdf,设置图片大小

[英]Nodejs | npm : html-pdf,set image size

I'm using html-pdf to convert an SVG file to PNG, and I can't get the output image size to reflect the input size (128x128).我正在使用 html-pdf 将 SVG 文件转换为 PNG,但我无法获得输出图像大小来反映输入大小 (128x128)。 Instead it comes with blank space (see image below).相反,它带有空格(见下图)。 I've tried explicitly setting width and height, setting header and footer height (as per this link<\/a> ), but nothing has any effect.我已经尝试明确设置宽度和高度,设置页眉和页脚高度(根据此链接<\/a>),但没有任何效果。

Any suggestions?有什么建议?



htmlpdf.create(qrcode, { "border": "0", "type": "png"}).toFile(originalname.split(".")[0]+".png", function(err, res) {
        if (err) throw err;

I ended up using npm:sharp .我最终使用了npm:sharp

Worked perfectly.工作完美。

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