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如何在节点 JS 框架中使用 x509 证书文件自签名 pdf

[英]how to self signed a pdf with x509 certificat file in node JS framework

I need to self signed a pdf with x509 certificat file in node JS framework but i don't find any useful package in npm to install it我需要在节点 JS 框架中使用 x509 证书文件自行签署 pdf,但我在 npm 中找不到任何有用的 package 来安装它

This similar question How to sign PDF with a x.509 signature/certificate has some answers suggesting to use openssl at the command line.这个类似的问题How to sign PDF with a x.509 signature/certificate有一些答案建议在命令行使用 openssl。 This could be done with a microservice and an exec type command using either node or python for example.例如,这可以使用节点或 python 的微服务和 exec 类型命令来完成。

This type of feature is much better done as a microservice, as it allows you to swap out the functionality with another/better service at a later date.这种类型的功能最好作为微服务来完成,因为它允许您在以后用另一个/更好的服务交换功能。 As long as you maintain the same API in the microservice, changes will be transparent to your main application只要你在微服务中维护相同的 API,更改对你的主应用程序是透明的

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