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如何在 AWS 中获取纪元时间步骤 Function

[英]How to get epoch time in AWS Step Function

We can refer to the current time in AWS Step functions using "$$.State.EnteredTime", But that gives the ISO format.我们可以使用“$$.State.EnteredTime”在 AWS Step 函数中引用当前时间,但这给出了 ISO 格式。 Is there a way to get the Epoch seconds/milliseconds?有没有办法获得纪元秒/毫秒? I want to add the TTL value in the DynamoDB based on that.我想基于此在 DynamoDB 中添加 TTL 值。

Is this possible?这可能吗? Or do I have to invoke a Lambda function only for the timestamp?或者我是否必须仅为时间戳调用 Lambda function?

This requires a Lambda Invoke Task .这需要一个Lambda Invoke Task A small set of value transformations (eg string interpolation, JSON parsing) are natively handled by Intrinsic Functions .一小部分值转换(例如字符串插值、JSON 解析)由Intrinsic Functions本地处理。 Most value transforms, however, including date manipulation, require an external task resource like Lambda.但是,大多数值转换(包括日期操作)都需要外部任务资源,例如 Lambda。

"EpochExecutionTimeLambda": {
  "Type": "Task",
  "ResultPath": "$.epoch",
  "Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:...",
  "Parameters": {
    "dateTime.$": "$$.State.EnteredTime"

The lambda handler is of course trivial: lambda 处理程序当然很简单:

exports.handler = async (event) => new Date(event.dateTime).valueOf()

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