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如何在 AWS 中删除或重命名步骤 function 执行

[英]how do i delete or rename a step function execution in AWS

we use step functions heavily - they are great - they mean that if something fails - we can fix the code or manually fix the input and then re-run it without a client ever being aware something went wrong.我们大量使用步进函数——它们很棒——它们意味着如果出现问题——我们可以修复代码或手动修复输入,然后重新运行它,而客户永远不会意识到出了什么问题。

So - we see failed executions as sort of like a "todo" - they don't happen very often - so when an alert tells us something failed, we bring it up, work out what to do to fix it - and fix it.所以 - 我们将失败的执行视为有点像“待办事项” - 它们不会经常发生 - 所以当警报告诉我们某些事情失败时,我们会提出它,找出如何修复它 - 并修复它。

But obviously - the old failure just hangs around.但很明显 - 旧的失败只是徘徊。 Still looking like a todo.仍然看起来像一个待办事项。

In the perfect world, we'd like to archive it - make it go away somewhere so it's just not in the list, but we can get at it if we wanted to.在完美的世界中,我们希望将其存档 - 将其保存在 go 之外的某个地方,这样它就不会出现在列表中,但如果我们愿意,我们可以获取它。

Failing that - we'd like to delete it.否则 - 我们想删除它。

Failing that - even being able to rename it from x to [FIXED] x would help.否则 - 即使能够将其从 x 重命名为 [FIXED] x 也会有所帮助。

NOTE - deleting the whole step function isn't an option - we just want to address a single execution.注意-删除整个步骤 function 不是一个选项 - 我们只想解决单个执行问题。

Unfortunately there's currently no way for StepFunctions to edit nor delete an execution.遗憾的是,目前 StepFunctions 无法编辑或删除执行。

If it helps, you could filter the list by status "Success" (just for aesthetics), but I know this doesn't answer the original question.如果有帮助,您可以按状态“成功”过滤列表(只是为了美观),但我知道这不能回答原始问题。

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