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在步骤 Function 中,如何将标量数组转换为字典数组?

[英]In a Step Function, how do I convert an array of scalars into an array of dictionaries?

Input of the step - How to Modify the input of the step in a step function from this:步骤的输入 - 如何修改步骤 function 中的步骤输入:

    "A": "X",
    "B": "Y",
    "C": [

and convert into this并转换成这个

    "A": "X",
    "B": "Y",
    "C": [
            "Z": "Z1"
            "Z": "Z2"
            "Z": "Z3"

using ASL or C# CDK.使用 ASL 或 C# CDK。 I tried to convert an array of strings to an array of elements using:我尝试使用以下方法将字符串数组转换为元素数组:

        "Modify Input": {
            "Type": "Pass",
            "Parameters": {
                "A": "$.A",
                "B": "$.B",
                "C": [
                        "Z": "States.array($.C)"

Append .$ to the key name if the value is a JsonPath substitution . Append. .$如果值为JsonPath 替换,则为键名。 Without it, Step Functions treats the value as a string literal.如果没有它,Step Functions 会将值视为字符串文字。 Use the States.ArrayGetItem intrinsic function to pick items at an index:使用States.ArrayGetItem 内在 function在索引处选择项目:

  "A.$": "$.A",
  "B.$": "$.B",
  "C": [
    { "Z.$": "States.ArrayGetItem($.C,0)" },
    { "Z.$": "States.ArrayGetItem($.C,1)" },
    { "Z.$": "States.ArrayGetItem($.C,2)" }

The CDK accepts these literal values. CDK 接受这些文字值。 It also provides the optional JsonPath class, which exposes methods for the intrinsic classes and lets you omit the .$ from key names.它还提供了可选的JsonPath class,它公开了内部类的方法并允许您从键名中省略.$ The CDK emits the same State Machine definition output either way.无论哪种方式,CDK 都会发出相同的 State 机器定义 output。

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