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如何用 mocha 和 sinon 模拟 firestore 查询?

[英]How to mock firestore query with mocha and sinon?

W.r.t. W.r.t. How to mock firestore with mocha how do I mock the following firestore query using sinon? 如何使用 mocha 模拟 firestore如何使用 sinon 模拟以下 firestore 查询?

import * as admin from "firebase-admin";
const db: FirebaseFirestore.Firestore = admin.firestore();
const storeSnapshot: = await db

I tried:我试过了:

import * as _sinon from 'sinon';

it('Query Client collection not empty test', async () => {

const clientStoreDocStub = _sinon.stub(db, "doc");
            id: "789",
            settings: [ {setting1: "Setting1-value", setting2: "Setting2-value"}, {setting1: "Setting3-value", setting2: "Setting4-value"}]
            id: "012",
            settings: [ {setting1: "Setting5-value", setting2: "Setting6-value"}, {setting1: "Setting7-value", setting2: "Setting8-value"}]
const storeSnapshot: FirebaseFirestore.DocumentSnapshot = await db
const store = storeSnapshot.data();

but get the following error:但出现以下错误:

  1) Mock firebase firestore Tests
       Query Client collection not empty test:
     TypeError: dbInit_1.db.doc(...).get is not a function
import * as _chai from "chai";
import * as chaiAsPromised from "chai-as-promised";
import * as admin from "firebase-admin";
import * as _sinon from 'sinon';
var expect = _chai.expect;
const db: FirebaseFirestore.Firestore = admin.firestore();

describe("Test with mock firestore", () => {
    var docRefStub;
    beforeEach(() => { docRefStub = _sinon.stub(db, "doc");});
    afterEach(() => {db.doc.restore();});
    it("Test should pass with valid request params", async () => {
        const expectedString = "Hello World!!!";
        const testCollection = {
            "/Client/123/Store/789": {
                 data: 1,
                 moreData: "Hello World!!!"
        const setSpy = _sinon.spy();
        docRefStub.callsFake(fakeFsDoc(testCollection, setSpy));
        await callAFunction("123", "789");
export function fakeFsDoc(database, setSpy = null) {
    return docId => {
        const data = database[docId] ?? undefined;
        return {
            get: async () => ({
               data: () => data
            set: setSpy

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