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如何用 Jest 模拟 Firestore v9 getDocs()

[英]How to mock Firestore v9 getDocs() with Jest

We recently upgraded our webapp from Firebase v8 to v9, and got all kind of problems from the new syntax.我们最近将我们的 webapp 从 Firebase v8 升级到 v9,并从新语法中遇到了各种问题。 I am still quite new to Jest and Firebase/Firestore, so not everything is crystal clear to me yet...我对 Jest 和 Firebase/Firestore 还是很陌生,所以我还不是很清楚所有的事情......

I am trying to mock getDocs from firebase/firestore because I get this error message:我正在尝试从 firebase firebase/firestore模拟getDocs ,因为我收到此错误消息:

      TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'docs')
          at /.../src/.../operations.ts:123:45
          at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:34:5)
          at Object.<anonymous> (/.../src/.../index.test.ts:1234:6)

The error happens when testing gets into the following code:当测试进入以下代码时发生错误:

const firestoreInstance = getFirestore(firebaseApp)
      const dataList = query(
        where('id', 'in', idList)
      const dataDict: { [key: string]: {id: string, name: string} } = {}
      ;(await getDocs(dataList)).docs.forEach(
        (dataItem) => {
          const data = dataItem.data()
          dataDict[data['id']].name = data.name

Where getDataCollection is someting like: getDataCollection有点像:

export const getDataCollection = (): CollectionReference  =>

Because getDocs is not mocked.因为 getDocs 没有被嘲笑。 If I mock getDocs like this:如果我这样模拟getDocs

    ;(getDocs as any).mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve({
      docs: {
        data: () => ({
          name: 'name-for-this-data-item',

I get the following error in the Jest output for this test:对于此测试,我在 Jest output 中收到以下错误:

TypeError: _firestore.getDocs.mockImplementation is not a function

Mocking Firebase v9 seems to be hard from all the unanswered questions I have seen on the inte.net and I did not find any direct answer to my problem. Mocking Firebase v9 似乎很难从我在 inte.net 上看到的所有未回答的问题中找到,我没有找到我的问题的任何直接答案。

Any idea about what I am doing wrong?知道我做错了什么吗? And any pointer to how to solve my problem?以及如何解决我的问题的任何指示?

As often, I hesitate to ask questions here, and when I do, I often end up finding an answer myself soon after...像往常一样,我在这里犹豫要不要提问,而当我这样做时,我通常很快就会自己找到答案......

So to put it simply: no need to mock getDocs !所以简单地说:不需要模拟getDocs

Instead, the mock for the collection get function had to be modified from:相反,集合 get function 的模拟必须修改为:

   ;(getDataCollection as any).mockImplementation(() => ({
      docs: {
        data: () => ({
          name: 'name-for-this-data-item',


    ;(getDataCollection as any).mockImplementation(() => ({
      query: {
          data: () => ({
            id: 'id-for-this-data-item',
            name: 'name-for-this-data-item',

To add a level for the query function.query function 添加级别。

I also added an id field in the data to correct a second UNRELATED error in my algorithm.我还在数据中添加了一个id字段,以更正我算法中的第二个无关错误。

I hope that helps other Jest/Firebase/Firestore newbies like me.我希望这能帮助像我这样的其他 Jest/Firebase/Firestore 新手。

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