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如何在 Firestore v9 中访问数组

[英]How to access array in Firestore v9

Articles I've read/tried before:我以前读过/尝试过的文章:

I have a Firestore that looks like this我有一个看起来像这样的 Firestore 在此处输入图像描述

  1. The current feature I'm trying to implement is a block list.我正在尝试实现的当前功能是阻止列表。 Whenever you go to the person's profile, you click block, and the person doing the blocking's UID is stored as the doc id and the blocked user's id is added to the "blockedUserId" array每当您 go 到此人的个人资料时,您单击阻止,执行阻止的 UID 的人将存储为文档 ID,并将被阻止的用户 ID 添加到“blockedUserId”数组
  2. The home page displays all the posts and I've been trying to filter the displayed posts to not include posts from any of the users in that "blockedUserId" array主页显示所有帖子,我一直在尝试过滤显示的帖子以不包括来自“blockedUserId”数组中任何用户的帖子
  3. How do I go about doing this correctly?如何正确执行此操作?

Here is the attempted code这是尝试的代码

      collection(getFirestore(fireApp), "posts"),
        doc(getFirestore(fireApp), "block", "vXLCRjlhOVW6oFOJvtmML6OolKA2")

Firestore queries can only filter on values in the document itself, and values you explicitly pass in to the query. Firestore 查询只能过滤文档本身中的值,以及您明确传递给查询的值。 Your doc(getFirestore(fireApp), "block", "vXLCRjlhOVW6oFOJvtmML6OolKA2") creates a DocumentReference , so the query returns documents from posts that don't contain that document reference.您的doc(getFirestore(fireApp), "block", "vXLCRjlhOVW6oFOJvtmML6OolKA2")创建了一个DocumentReference ,因此查询从不包含该文档引用的posts中返回文档。

What you want to do instead is:你想要做的是:

  1. Load the blocked UIDs加载被阻止的 UID
  2. Pass them to the query将它们传递给查询

So in code:所以在代码中:

const myRef = doc(getFirestore(fireApp), "block", "vXLCRjlhOVW6oFOJvtmML6OolKA2");
const myDoc = await getDoc(myRef);
const blocked = myDoc.data().blockedUserId;
const q = query(
  collection(getFirestore(fireApp), "posts"),
// TODO: call getDocs or onSnapshot on q

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