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如何取消选择 LibreOffice Writer 中的表格单元格?

[英]How to deselect Table Cells in LibreOffice Writer?

Working with LibreOffice and OpenOffice Writer.使用 LibreOffice 和 OpenOffice Writer。 I have a document template with some bookmarks in a table.我有一个文档模板,表格中有一些书签。 I created some functions that are able to extend the table so that one line is copied several times.我创建了一些能够扩展表格的函数,以便将一行复制多次。 Copying one line is done using gotoCellByName, createCursorByCellName, goDown(1, True) and goLeft(1, True), selecting the entire line, then copying it and pasting the line over a newly selected area.使用 gotoCellByName、createCursorByCellName、goDown(1, True) 和 goLeft(1, True) 完成复制一行,选择整行,然后复制它并将该行粘贴到新选择的区域。 That all works, I'm happy to say.一切正常,我很高兴地说。

When I want to print the document at this point, while part of the table is still selected as it is the case, the Print() only prints that selection.此时,当我想打印文档时,虽然表格的一部分仍处于选中状态,但 Print() 仅打印该选择。 I tried every line of code I could find on the Inte.net that supposedly would deselect the area, to no avail.我尝试了我在 Inte.net 上可以找到的每一行代码,这些代码据说会取消选择该区域,但无济于事。 So my big question: how can I deselect a selection in OO or LO that was created using a Cell Range?所以我的大问题是:如何在 OO 或 LO 中取消选择使用单元格范围创建的选择?

      Set cr1= tbl.createCursorByCellName(rf1)
      Call cr1.gotoCellByName(rf1, True)
      Call cr1.goDown(1, True)
      Call cr1.goLeft(1, True)
      Set cr2= tbl.getCellRangeByName(cr1.getRangeName())
      Call ooDoc.getCurrentController().select(cr2)
      Set Frame = ooDoc.getCurrentController().getFrame()
      Call ooDH.executeDispatch(Frame, ".uno:Copy", "", 0, ee)
      rt1= "A" & (row+2)
      Call cr1.gotoCellByName(rt1, False)
      Call cr1.goDown(n2, True)
      Call cr1.goLeft(1, True)
      Set cr2= tbl.getCellRangeByName(cr1.getRangeName())
      Call ooDoc.getCurrentController().select(cr2)
      Set Frame = ooDoc.getCurrentController().getFrame()
      Call ooDH.executeDispatch(Frame, ".uno:Paste", "", 0, ee)

At this point, multiple lines in the table are still selected;此时,表格中的多行仍处于选中状态; how to deselect them??如何取消选择它们??

This worked when I added it to your code.当我将它添加到您的代码时,这有效。

dispatcher.executeDispatch(frame, ".uno:Escape", "", 0, Array())

Also I wonder about your call to print the document.我还想知道您要求打印文档的电话。 In the print dialog, there is an option to print all pages or only the selection.在打印对话框中,有一个选项可以打印所有页面或仅打印所选页面。 Perhaps there is an UNO argument to print all pages.也许有一个打印所有页面的 UNO 参数。 However that's not the question you asked, so I won't pursue it further.但这不是你问的问题,所以我不会进一步追究。

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