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无法使 i18next 在 nodeJS Express 后端工作

[英]Cannot make i18next work in nodeJS express backend

I'm currently trying to add localization to my nodeJS backend but im having trouble.我目前正在尝试将本地化添加到我的 nodeJS 后端,但我遇到了麻烦。

In my frontend (angular) i have an interceptor that sets the language in the header:在我的前端(角度)中,我有一个拦截器,它在 header 中设置语言: 拦截器

Which succesfully works as can be seen below in 'Accept-Language' in the headers of my request:哪个成功,如下面我请求标题中的“接受语言”所示: 要求

In my backend app.js i import and configure i18next, i18next-fs-backend, i18next-http-middleware and set the path of the locale files (which can also be seen bellow) and:在我的后端 app.js 中,我导入并配置 i18next、i18next-fs-backend、i18next-http-middleware 并设置语言环境文件的路径(也可以在下面看到)和: 应用程序

But when i try to use the translations in my response it doesn't work, it displays the 'delete_success' and not the translation.但是当我尝试在我的回复中使用翻译时它不起作用,它显示“delete_success”而不是翻译。 请求翻译

Inside my translation file:在我的翻译文件中: 内部文件

Bellow im posting some stuff that is printed in the req.i18n console.log in case it helps:下面我发布了一些打印在 req.i18n console.log 中的内容,以防有帮助:

bound I18n {
 observers: { languageChanged: [ [Function (anonymous)] ] },
 options: {
 debug: false,
 initImmediate: false,
 ns: [ 'translation' ],
 defaultNS: [ 'translation' ],
 fallbackLng: [ 'en' ],
 preload: [ 'pt-BR' ],
 backend: {
   loadPath: './locales/{{lng}}/translation.json',
   addPath: '/locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.missing.json',
   ident: 2,
   parse: [Function: parse],
   stringify: [Function: stringify]
 language: 'en',

I have no idea what else to try, any tips?我不知道还能尝试什么,有什么建议吗? :( :(

I found my problem!我发现了我的问题!

The problem was in the path specified to the locales as shown bellow:问题出在指定给语言环境的路径中,如下所示:


Three hours to figure that out T_T三个小时搞清楚T_T

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