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[英]disable transport fallback when sending emails

I have two transports, one for general emails and the other for noreply emails because of huge number我有两种传输方式,一种用于普通电子邮件,另一种用于 noreply 电子邮件,因为数量巨大


            main: '%env(MAILER_DSN)%'
            noreply: '%env(MAILER_DSN_NOREPLY)%'

When MAILER_DSN_NOREPLY is down, there is one try with MAILER_DSN_NOREPLY and next it sends the email with MAILER_DSNMAILER_DSN_NOREPLY关闭时,将尝试使用MAILER_DSN_NOREPLY进行一次尝试,然后它会使用 MAILER_DSN 发送MAILER_DSN

How can I disable this rule and just try 3 times to send with MAILER_DSN_NOREPLY and then keep mail on the failed queue?我如何禁用此规则并尝试使用MAILER_DSN_NOREPLY发送 3 次,然后将邮件保留在失败队列中?

Looking in the code of symfony/mailer, whens the transports are built, the first one founded in considered as default and will be used as fallback查看 symfony/mailer 的代码,当构建传输时,第一个创建的被认为是默认的,将用作后备

so i wrote "noreply" transport on first line所以我在第一行写了“noreply”transport

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