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具有给定键的节点数最少的 2,4 树

[英]2,4 tree with the fewest number of nodes with the given keys

suppose we have a set of keys K = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,..., 15} and we need to build a two four tree out of this such that:假设我们有一组键 K = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,..., 15} 我们需要从中构建一个二四树,这样:

  • CASE1 : the tree has the minimum number of nodes. CASE1 :树的节点数最少。
  • CASE2 : the tree has the maximum number of nodes. CASE2 :树的节点数最多。

my idea -我的想法-

a node in the two four tree can have upto 3 keys and 4 children per node, if we need to minimise the number of nodes we need to keep the nodes full as much as possible, but do not seem to be able to find a strategy that will guarantee this.二四树中的一个节点最多可以有3个键,每个节点有4个子节点,如果我们需要最小化节点数我们需要尽可能的保持节点满,但是好像找不到策略这将保证这一点。

one way that seemed lucrative was to split the array into three parts and then insert the medians at the root, next the first and the last child are pre-determined and repeat the same process for the rest of the remaining keys.this method also seems to fall short.一种似乎有利可图的方法是将数组分成三部分,然后在根部插入中位数,接下来第一个和最后一个孩子是预先确定的,并对剩余键的 rest 重复相同的过程。这种方法似乎也达不到要求。

we do know that the worst case height for such a structure needs to be near 4 and the best case height to be near 2 (using the 2, 4 tree height properties h ~ log(n))我们确实知道这种结构的最坏情况高度需要接近 4,最佳情况高度需要接近 2(使用 2、4 树高度属性 h ~ log(n))

is there any strategy to approach such problem (any hint would be appreciated)?是否有解决此类问题的策略(任何提示将不胜感激)?

To make a 2-4 tree with the smallest number of nodes:要制作节点数最少的 2-4 树:

  1. Starting with N keys, floor(N/4) of then need to be parents.从 N 个键开始,floor(N/4) of then 需要是父母。 Choose these keys, as evenly distributed as possible to ensure that there are 2-3 keys on either side of them.选择这些键,尽可能均匀分布,以确保它们的两侧各有 2-3 个键。
  2. Repeat the procedure with the parents, until you have at most 3 keys.与父母重复此过程,直到您最多拥有 3 个钥匙。 Those go in the root.根中的那些 go。

So starting with 15 keys, you have 12 leaf-level keys in 4 nodes (3 parents).因此,从 15 个键开始,您在 4 个节点(3 个父节点)中有 12 个叶级键。 Those 3 parents can go in the root.这 3 个父母可以 go 在 root 中。

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